Survival Tips for Summer Campers

There are many hazards for children at summer camp.  Careful preparation will be very helpful and even necessary for your survival.  Here are some helpful tips for you campers out there.  We will start with …

Tip 1: Make Friends with Insects

There are many reasons to make friends with Insects.  The include:

1. There are many more of them than there are campers

2. They tend to organize; there’s power in numbers

3. They tend to be cranky and they don’t like visitors

4. They are small and can sneak up on you

5. They have no sense of humor and they often bite for no reason


So, your mission is clear.  Make friends with insects or you will regret it.  You don’t want to get on their bad side. Here are some ways you can make friends with insects:

1. Place a welcome poster next to your bunk; make sure you use pictures as most insects don’t read well; pictures of food and sexy bugs work well

2. Put cookies under your bunk every night; candy bars will work in a pinch

3. Try making humming sounds or buzzing sounds; it will make them feel at home; don’t whistle as that will make them angry

4. Cover your body with peanut butter each morning; they will love you

5. Never squash them; that is an act of war

6. If your area becomes overrun with too many insect friends, start removing them to share with others

7. Gently pick them up and place them on your camp counselor’s pillow; insects love to meet new people

8. After the camp closing ceremony, be sure to take home a few of your insect friends to meet your Mom; she would love to meet your new friends

There.  You are ready to launch your happy and successful camping experience.

In future chapters we will explore issues such as: safety first; hug a tree; create your own first aid kit; have fun in the rain; have fun with sticks; and of course, life saving.  Enjoy the great outdoors!


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3 Responses to Survival Tips for Summer Campers

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I like your rule books—I think it could be a series! (If you ever check out BuzzFeed, there are these kinds of lists every day, so it’s a possible revenue stream!)


  2. You are every mother’s dream … or should that be nightmare? 😀


  3. lynteach8 says:

    I really liked your tips for a happy summer camp.


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