Retta Riordan

Pelican Pens: I have re-written, what is now called “Retta Riordan” (Formerly, Choices Can Kill”) and added a second chapter. Who knows, could it become a book? Thanks for your comments and hopes for more. It was your comments that made me curious as to what happened next, rather than just leaving it as a “Prompt” assignment. I hope I can keep it going. Your critical comments are essential to it happening’

(It also raises the question as to whether your fine contributions can be re-borne as books…) All I know is that I feel like a politician in making up stuff.  Fiction is fun!

Sorry about the bold face, I can’t get rid of it!



Retta Riordan

(Formally: “Choices Can Kill”)


Chapter 1

Retta Riordan considered herself one of the lucky ones. She was popular in her Hoboken public school and was selected to give the valedictory address at her high school graduation. Her inspirational challenge to the students to excel was breathtaking. The young girl became a Teaching Fellow at New York University. Briefly, she had a boy friend, named Ralph, but his obsession with football and her, intense interest in studying, doomed the relationship. Graduation led to a scholarship at Harvard, where she majored in political science, and minored in mid-East History and languages. Retta was fluent in 5 languages. She immersed herself in her studies and earned a doctorate in just 4 years.

Her friendly smile masked her intellect and stunning looks; long dark red hair that glistened with sparks of yellow and orange, in the summer sun. She was friendly and approachable and made friends, easily. At 32 years old, Retta was hired by the Rand Corporation and learned how to address issues, such as relating to national security and foreign relations. A succession of jobs, at Rand, with increasing responsibility, plus published papers, and press interviews, broadcasted that she was the go-to person for insights into what was behind the actions of countries in the mid-East.

Her career changed dramatically, again, when she accepted a job offer as an intelligence officer, at the State Department, dealing with the impact of international developments on the United States. This included tracking activities arising from international politics and institutions, diplomacy and foreign policy. Retta was excited by her career and could not expect that a telephone call, one Sunday morning, would change her life forever.

She was having coffee and reading the N.Y. Times, when he called. “Hello, Retta”, in a pleasant voice. “I am the Assistant to the President of the United States. The President would like to talk to you about a position on our team”! “This has to be a joke”, she declared, stammering her reply. “No”, he laughed, “Go to your window. See the long, black limo. Check the Presidential Seal on the license plate, on your way out, introduce yourself to Harvey, your driver, and sit down in the back. He added, with a giggle, that he told Harvey, “Wait for one hour. I hope that it would be enough time to get her wits together and freshen up!”

Exactly, one hour later, Retta was standing outside the apartment. She looked at the Presidential shield on the license plate on the black Limo, shook her head in disbelief and said hello to Harvey. The young woman watched people walking on the quiet streets and, suddenly, her heart jumped, as the White House came into view. After identifying herself to the officer, in the booth, she was swished into the building. She then found herself ushered into a room that, from its appearance, was the Oval Office! “Hello, Retta. Welcome to the White House”, the President greeted her with a friendly smile. He was in his early 50’s, she guessed. He was a tall, muscular, handsome man, with brown hair, with a touch of grey. President Thomas warmly motioned to her to sit down.

He engaged with a bit of uncomfortable chatter about the White House and its beautiful views, and jumped into his agenda: “We studied your career and accomplishments and have a very important job to offer you. I would like you to act as a cultural attaché for the mid-East nations”. He added, “You may think that your duties are modest but, in fact, this is a cover. I want you to establish close relationships with certain people and report directly to me on important secrets that you may have uncovered, on subjects of strategic interest to the U.S.A”.

He continued, “Your guests will know your areas of expertise and it will be natural for them to want to pick your brains. I hope that the conversations will lead to learning about plans of interest to us”. If you accept this position, we will immediately start briefing you with secrets, for your background only, and, also, on information we would like you to share with your guests.

Are you prepared to risk your life for your country? Are you prepared to serve the President? Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime? These words spun in Retta’s mind, for a few seconds, which seemed like an hour. Her words finally coalesced on her lips: “I would be honored to serve the President in this endeavor”.

The young woman was in the clouds, as she walked home, to clear her head. The grey and white clouds twisted and turned against the bright blue skies, as if they were excited at her decision. Retta felt that she had come home in a flash and treated herself to leftover Chianti wine, to steady her nerves. “What just happened”? “How does someone, wake up in the morning, and become a special assistant to the President, in one day”. She took a quick snack, a hot shower, and slept like a log!

Tuesday turned up like a tornado. Retta Filled out forms, got identification cards, introductions to other staffers, appointment dates for briefings, and an assignment to a small office in the West Wing. Weeks passed, as Retta digested worldwide information that, it was hoped, would help her become an important asset sometime in the distant future.

During the next six months, the new White House hire learned a lot about the mid-East and other hot international spots. She attended meetings of the Foreign Relations Committee and its subcommittees, as well as the Intelligence committees of the Senate and House. In private sessions with Chair and Ranking members, Retta gathered even more insights, and had soon gained the trust, of the people, in her areas of expertise. Most important, she earned the trust and respect of the President. In private, she called him, “Jerry”, at his own request. They tried to speak daily, and Retta, even helped review his positions and speeches. They became very close, personally, as well as professionally, but it was always in a business-like manner. She enjoyed the work and the interaction with the government leaders, and dreamed that this challenging, but fun job would last forever.

That dream died suddenly, when Pres. Thomas called and said: “There is a crisis in Qatar” and “I want you to sit in right now on a special meeting of the Joint-Chiefs of Staff, on this new development”. Retta gathered her notebook, freshened up, and walked in on the meeting, already just starting. Eyes turned toward her, as she tried to find a seat in the back. President Thomas stood up and announced: “I want to introduce you to my chief advisor for mid-east affairs, Dr. Retta Riordan”. Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Danford nodded and quickly returned to the agenda.

“Here is where we are”, Declared Gen. Danford. He explained: “It is a complex situation for us. Qatar, as you know, is the home of a strategically vital U.S. Military Base. It is unfortunate that Qatar also has relations with Iran, which angers Saudi Arabia, Israel and us, among others. To make matters worse, Hamas is subsidized by Qatar, and claims to be bombing ISIS, but apparently is bombing innocent people”. “The worst news”, he continued, “is that Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates, just announced imposition of a complete blockade of Qatar!” He concluded: “Undemocratic nations, like Qatar, are ruled by extremists, who are capable of unleashing much trouble, in the mid-East. We need to get a close handle on developments there, immediately”. There was a spirited discussion of possible alternatives, and the meeting adjourned.

President Thomas caught Retta’s eye and motioned her to follow him to his office. Before she could sit down, The President said that she should pack her bags for a trip to Qatar. He declared that: “Unless Sheikh Khalifa bin Hamad al-Thani Iv backs down, there is a good chance of a regional war”. He slammed his fist on the desk and said, “I will never allow that to happen as long as I am in office”. President Thomas also advised her not to ever reveal her expertise in speaking and understanding Arabic.

Then, he came very close to Retta and whispered to her that he has a terrible secret that he must share with her, at this time, which cannot be shared with anyone, without destroying his presidency. When she agreed to keep this secret, Pres. Thomas continued whispering his story: “When I was vetted to run for President, I was asked by a congressional committee, whether I had any previous contact with the leaders of any governments. I replied that I did not. This was a lie. I had business dealings and a personal relationship with Sheikh al-Thani. If the truth were known, I would be subject to imprisonment for committing perjury.

Pres. Thomas said that he would communicate to Sheikh Khalifa bin Hamad al-Thani Iv that Retta is a cultural attaché, who he wants to be educated about Arab customs and beliefs. He told her that al-thani would know her true mission and he expected a response in a day or so. He added that, in the meantime, she should do a lot of studying and packing.

Two days latter, Retta Riordan was on her way to Qatar. Her trip was a long, but quiet one. Some dignitaries, including Sheikh al-Thani’s two adult sons, greeted her. She spoke only English and feigned not to understand the conversations around her. It was amazing what young men could say about a woman’s body, when she can’t understand what she is saying! Retta then saw the incredibly large white walls, with their Islamic designs, before she was ushered into her posh room, at the Palace. She was told that she would meet the Sheikh the next morning and was asked if she wanted to freshen up and take a tour of some of the highlights of Qatar. Retta, excitedly agreed and said that she would appreciate this opportunity.

Retta was treated to first seeing the Katara Mosque, with its magnificent predominantly blue tower and high walls. She was then given a glance at the largest aircraft in the world, outside its white hanger. She also was taken for a look at the endless Doha desert and the impressive al-Zubarah fortress.

The still indecipherable petroglyphs at the Al Jassaiya Rock Carvings were fascinating, as were the stunning views of the water from the Museum of Islamic Art. After the tour, Retta thanked everyone for sharing the beauty of Qatar’s country and its extraordinary technological advances. She said that she was very awe-struck by their country. Retta said goodbye, so that she could go to bed. She could not resist trying on the richly embroidered bathrobe and admiring the detailed Islamic decorations.

The next morning, Retta Riordan was led into the luxurious Throne Room of the Palace. This is where the Sheikh conducts his business and meets guests. He introduced her to individuals that help him govern Qatar. The Sheikh was very warm and fluent in English. He presented Retta with a gift that she was told to open in private. Retta presented Sheikh al-Thani with a gift selected by President Thomas that he knew would be of interest. It was an ancient stone, translating Arabic into Greek.

Everything was going very well. Retta Riordan shared information on the U.S. Economy and views about President Thomas’ hope that an even more cordial relationship can be developed, where the U.S, could share some of its newest technologies, in return for resources, such as oil. Everyone was smiling and nodding. She thanked everyone for the promising discussion and asked if it were possible to share a few private words from President Thomas, with the Sheikh. Suddenly, everyone was silent and grim looking. Retta’s timing was, apparently, wrong and she clearly upset some people. The Sheikhs’ solution to her embarrassment was a warm invitation to Retta to join him in his office, for a private meeting.

Once in his office, Retta carefully and softly approached the issue. She recalled that, in the not so distant past, Qatar had an open relation with Israel, on emerging business interests. Qatar even hosted Israel, in its tennis Tournaments, and said that Israel would be welcome at the World Cup in the near future.

She continued that, “The U.S. was grateful for Qatar’s friendship with the United States, including allowing a U.S. military base to be built in Qatar. She said that, “In contrast, President Thomas was troubled by his alliance with Iran, who threatens Saudi Arabia, the United States, and Israel, and also funds and provides arms to Hamas, a sworn enemy of Israel”. She concluded by saying that, “In return, for a weakening or ending such relationships, The United States would strongly support breaking the blockage of Qatar”. Sheikh Khalifa bin Hamad al-Thani Iv interrupted Retta and screamed: “No, No, No!” “No one will dictate to me how to run my country! “This meeting is adjourned. Good Day, Ms. Riordan!”

Retta was shaken and, when she arrived at her hotel, she sent an encrypted summary of the unwelcome results to President Thomas. There was no reply. Concluding that she needed to try to restore relations with the Sheikh, Retta felt that it would be polite to request a brief meeting, the next morning, to thank the Sheikh for his gift of an 18 ct. gold necklace, with map of Qatar, and his generous hospitality. She felt sure that it worth the attempt to regain a warmer relationship with the Sheikh. She called the Sheikhs’ office and suggested a good-bye meeting. The request was granted.

A car picked Retta, for the drive up to the palace, for her to say good-bye to Sheikh al-Thani. After a short time, she walked in the hall of the Palace. She was surprised to see the Sheikh’s two sons walking behind and in an animated conversation. It was, of course, was no surprise that they were conversing in Arabic. She noted the excited way they spoke to one another and listened more closely. She heard one say: “Victory is near! Pres. Thomas is arranging for al-Thani’s assassination”. Both were laughing, in delight. Suddenly, they looked up at Retta, as they got closer to her. One of the brothers said something to her in Arabic. Retta looked confused and said “English – no Arabic”. The brothers smiled and kept talking about the plot.

Retta was shocked to learn that the President had made arrangements with the CIA to supply a bomb in a starting flare that was to initiate the fireworks that the Sheikh would set off, to mark the beginning of the World Cup. She needed to think about recent events and the options available to her. She went to the lady’s room and sat in the booth.

Her reasoning went like this:

·      “If I remain silent, the Sheikh will be murdered”.

·      If I tell the Sheikh of the plot, the president could be arrested and the Sheikhs’ sons could be put to death.

·      If the Sheikh is killed, will the next one be better or worse? Will the blockade be withdrawn? Will his evil sons take over? No one can predict the future and its relative risks.

·      If the president resigns, Retta’s reputation would be damaged, her job lost, and her relationship with the President destroyed.

·      Retta concluded that not stopping a murder was a sin.

·      If their father killed his two sons, that sin is on his head, and she is free of blame.

·      If the President lost his job, he would still be alive and would get justice for his crime. That was up to Congress to decide, not her.

As for Retta’s role and future, if she followed her beliefs, she was sorry to throw President Thomas under the bus, but knew she was doing the right thing.

Retta, with a wry smile, thought  “Oh well,  “I’m sure I could always get a job at CNN or Fox News”.

Chapter 2

Retta Riordan reached the Palace and was quickly brought in to see the Sheikh. He was alone in his gold encrusted office, which was dominated by a graceful mahogany colored three-layer desk. Each of six sections of the desk had semicircle openings, as you would see in a mosque. They were all decorated in ivory edges and inlayed ivory that was teardrop shaped. The first layer was the desk. Above it, in the back was a six-inch high wall of similar design. On the left side of the desk there was a foot-high and deep structure, with two legs on the first layer, the other side on top of the back wall, and with one small drawer that looked like the top of a castle. Retta could not take her eyes off it!

Sheikh Khalifa bin Hamad al-Thani Iv saw Retta studying the desk and smiled, warmly. He was proud to deliver a ten-minute lecture on the history of this ancient desk. She was so captivated by the information that she almost forgot why she came. After the Sheikh ended his talk, he turned to her, still smiling, and raised his finger, and said: “This is your meeting and I hope it is not as insulting as the first”!

Retta softly thanked the Sheikh for his patience with her and for his warm hospitality, during her stay. She said that expressing this sentiment was the original purpose for this meeting. In a grim voice, she added, “I never expected that there would be a development that just occurred on the way to your office that could have such dire implications”. It was still a shock to Sheikh al-Thani, when she said, “I need to share with you information that could put many people at risk, including you, me, and your family”. The Sheikh’s mood also turned quiet and troubled, as he probed her face while he listened intently to every word.

Then, the young woman described what she overheard in the hall of the Palace, from his two sons. Taking a stand, said, “with due respect, you must verify any plot, study carefully your options, and not make decisions in anger”. She also addressed President Thomas’ alleged role and said, “I have not heard from the President and, therefore, cannot verify that his son’s comments are accurate”. She softly reminded him that, when she tried to explain the president’s concerns, the Sheikh’s response was angry and not helpful. Retta concluded by saying, “I urge you to review the global situation, with respect to your role, and try to step back from policies that can result in violence”.

Sheikh al-Thani replied, in a whisper, “I know that your purpose in risking this visit was to save my life and that of my sons, as well as not to take any steps that would worsen the international situation”. He apologized for losing his temper, took her hand and said she had done all that can be done, for now, to lessen risks of violence. He promised that he would never reveal her role in preventing any possible plot against him and, further, promised to verify what she heard. With a formal bow, the Sheikh wished Retta a safe journey home.

The very next day, the two brothers were picked up by the sheikh’s Security Forces and imprisoned for questioning. At first, the brothers vehemently denied the plot but as the pain became too much, they revealed some information. The Sheikh invited his sons for a fabulous dinner and told them that what they did is in the past. With the Sheikh’s forgiveness, the relieved brothers were freed and went to their homes.

Three weeks later, the World Cup was to be held in Qatar. The fireworks were ready to be initiated by a flare. Instead of the Sheikh, preforming this ritual, as was the custom, he gave the honor to his two sons. They climbed the ladder to the pinnacle together, and clicked on the flare that initiated the fireworks. Seconds later there was an explosion on the pinnacle, killing his two sons. No cause could be determined.

Retta Riordan arrived home, without incident, and looked forward to a planned debriefing session with the President the following day.

© Norman Estrin, June 24, 2017, “Retta Riordan”

About normestrin

I enjoy creating sculptures, drawings, paintings, poetry, prose, and new ideas. I also enjoy playing tennis, ping pong, and using my sense of humor. My career was in the trade association field, creating new programs, books, and conferences to meet the needs of certain industries.
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5 Responses to Retta Riordan

  1. gepawh says:

    An intriguing mystery. Perfect reality and feasibly acceptable plot and great characters. You have left yourself more than one way to write the extended version of your story. Well done

    Liked by 1 person

  2. normestrin says:

    I’m finishing Chapter 3! Thanks!


  3. Don’t stop now! You have a good main character and backgrounds for several plot changes. I love your creativity!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. calumetkid says:

    Character development may be needed to enhance the possibility of more plots and sub plots. Book length may require it, but I don’t know. The plots so far are great. The death by explosion was a magnificent idea. You are certainly on to something here. I look forward to more.

    Liked by 1 person

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