It Was a Partly Cloudy Day

A shot rang out suddenly.  Before he knew it our fearless hero, Derrick, had his arms around the lovely Mary.  His biceps bulged with authority.  He knew Mary was terrified of gunfire.  Any excuse for a hug.  Even stepping on a twig frightened her.  Yet she felt safe in Derrick’s embrace.


As he trudged through the dense jungle brush, clearing the way for Alice, he could hear the owl speaking to him, “Who, who are you?” in an ominous tone.  Alice was reluctant to move on but she realized those biceps would protect her.


Finally, they came to a clearing.  The coals of the campfire we’re glowing. Who could be out here at this time of night?  Dawn would break soon and reveal all.  There was a hint of color on the horizon, a dull marine blue with a hint of ochre and mango.


Where am I?, he thought out loud.  He didn’t want to alarm Linda, but he was becoming a bit uncertain about this quest.  Derrick saw the answer right before him. He reached down and picked up a yellowed paper with a big “X” and an arrow pointing to a small break in the jungle.  A zebra suddenly appeared pointing his raised right leg towards the opening.  Then he heard the owl cry out “Over here, over here” (an homage to The Three Amigos).  That confirmed it and off they went.


The sun burst forward on the horizon like it was being chased by some evil force named Darth (homage to Star Wars).  Estelle and Derrick walked onto the beach hand in hand.  With sensuous, loving eyes she purred, “Are we there yet?” in her lovely Italian accent.


“Yes Gina, we are finally safe”.  Then Gina implored, “But what will become of us?”.  A beam of sunlight led them around the bend in the beach to a treasure chest.  After a few deft twists of the scallop shell the lock surrendered it’s treasure.  “We’re set for life Mary!”


Together they plunged their hands into the chest and poured Amazon gift cards all over their bodies.  Derrick picked up his Verizon phone noting all the bars for his strong signal.  Amazon was on the screen instantly.  Mary and Derrick smiled at their good fortune.  After a few clicks, they knew their book would arrive within 24 hours thanks to express delivery.  “Creative Writing for Dummies” will be a life saver.

(Soon to be released as a full length movie staring George Clooney and several actresses yet to be cast)







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5 Responses to It Was a Partly Cloudy Day

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Very creative–I see some prompt potential here too…we could take any of these paragraphs as starting points…? (I’m still trying to figure out that sky color with ocher and mango!


  2. jrowe2328 says:

    I think you have succumbed to a fantasy of one of your patients! Or, you need to get back here soon! I’m sure that we can help you!


  3. leeroc2 says:

    To all my fans… Watch for the second book. I think Derrick has a big fan club. There were a few typos but I think that adds a nice human touch and authenticity. It also gives him some minor imperfections which make him more warm and engaging. As far as his many women, there can be an alternative explanation to his magnetic personality and his Adonis physique.

    Unfortunately, he does appear to have a flaw in his personality. He is so narcissistic he may forget the name of his companion. The companion may be so blessed to be in his presence she accepts this minor flaw. The reader is left with the mystery. Who is this Derrick? The reader is left to wonder, begging for a second book.

    Watch for more Derrick!


  4. I’d like to see a photo of Derrick. He’d have to be amazing to have all of these women following him and not even taking the time to be jealous of each other. 😀


    • calumetkid says:

      Judy: Derrick sits across the table from you between October and May during the meetings of the Pelican Pens. Did you forget already?


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