Prey: Another Ending

Victor was sweating profusely as he took the measure of the punk wielding a switchblade, lips drawn tight, and a look of determination on his face.  The tense situation had escalated.  The two adversaries studied each other, bodies alert and nerves strung taut.

The kid started to sway as he rose onto the balls of his feet, ready to bounce.  Victor considered the danger in reaching for his gun since the creep was standing so close waving his knife to and fro.  The truant officer decided to retreat.  He cautiously took a few baby steps backwards away from the lethal weapon leveled at his chest.  Victor was about to take another step when the kid grabbed his blue jacket, spun him around and pushed him to the ground.

Air rushed out of his lungs as his assailant dropped down on top of him with great force.  Victor gasped for air as his eyes followed the track of the blade closing in on his neck.  Suddenly his hair was tugged back further exposing his carotid arteries.  He closed his eyes as death drew near.

“Okay.  Cut!  That’s a wrap,” the director announced.  The kid jumped off his colleague and helped him up.  The two headed to the canteen while the set was manipulated for the next scene.

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8 Responses to Prey: Another Ending

  1. pales62 says:

    Excellent not-expected ending! Who was the director for this movie? Who starred in it?


  2. jrowe2328 says:

    What a great ending! Didn’t see that coming.


  3. normestrin says:

    I sighed with relief. You had me! that was great!


  4. leeroc2 says:

    Great ending. I wonder what goes through the minds of the actors. I have heard that just doing such a scene is a bit traumatic, but maybe the actors are desensitized, like all of us.


  5. Teresa Kaye says:

    I love surprise endings…I was totally surprised by the ending!


  6. lynteach8 says:

    Oh my goodness it is so graphic. and then I chuckled. Lynn


  7. You drew me in completely! Thank you for a non-lethal ending to this story. 😀


  8. gepawh says:

    And yet another great ending. I half hated the “creep”! Didn’t not even imagine a movie scene as an ending. Excellent


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