Alligator Crossing

My May Memory is a shout-out to the Juniper Landscaper who sounded the alarm. This is a fresh, hot-off-the-press memory.

This morning as I approached the corner of Cypress Grove and Materita, I thought I saw a familiar alligator shape in the middle of the road. Or was it a Palm frond? Deciding to cross to the other sidewalk, I pointed ahead to the driver in a Juniper truck who was waiting for me to cross.  Continuing on my run down Cypress Grove, I realized that instead of turning left, he sped forward and came to a screeching halt. The worker leapt from his truck shouting and waving his arms, “Ma’am, Ma’am, there’s a baby alligator coming toward you.” Sure enough it wasn’t a Palm frond. With the worker shooing it forward, the young, terrified alligator, about three feet, ran across the road in a wobbling jig zag path through the median shrub to the pond. I stood watching this drama unfold, thrilled at the sight, and appreciative of the landscaper’s warning. “It’s in the water Ma’am.” Thanking him, I turned around to run down Materita.

Ah, life in paradise.

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6 Responses to Alligator Crossing

  1. pales62 says:

    I have been informed that the Pelican people have assured me that there are no gators here. I wonder just what it was you saw. There was a Palmetto bug in my kitchen. Maybe that’s what you saw……


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    I read this after watching the news about the family who found a gator in their pool. Evidently the drought has them moving to find more water! It is a wonder of Florida that still fascinates me.


  3. leeroc2 says:

    I was hoping for an alternative ending, perhaps a little sit down moment of sharing and mutual understanding. You might have the main character show some compassion, reaching out with a fish offering, while the gator, tear rolling from his eye rests his huge head gently in her lap. As the camera pans back you hear a scream. The camera pulls back in and we see our fine lady walking down the street with an alligator handbag. Nice.
    Lee. They let me write once a day on the ward.


  4. gepawh says:

    The song “leaving on a jet plane” played through my mind as I read this!


  5. cocowriter says:

    Yikes! This is Florida alright. We found a snake in our garage (luckily small non-poisonous).


  6. Yikes. I’m really trying, but cannot become as fond of alligators and snakes as I am of teddy bears.


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