The Miracle of May

After long crummy-cold winters in Ohio, May was always a miracle to behold. Gloomy- grey skies suddenly slipped into a beautiful blue. Brown twigs and brown grass sported new green coats. From blossom to birdsong rebirth was evident everywhere. I miss the parade of yellow: forsythia’s yellow blooms, seas of yellow dandelions floating in green grass, yellow daffodils winding down, and pots of marigolds smelling like new earth. Cacophonies of joyful chirps from robins, bluebirds and white – throated sparrows reverberate across the morning breezes — certainly harbingers of spring and summer wonders to come! Soon flowers will be brilliantly blooming, with orange and yellow butterflies fluttering thru them. Soft caressing breezes gently rustle thru the newborn leaves in the month of May. And pillow- puffy, white clouds floating in an azure blue sky announce another beautiful May day. “Awake! Awake!” Mother Nature commands. The ice has all melted and lakes glitter golden in a warmer sun, enticing boaters to rev up their engines once again. Picnics are planned. Windows opened. The miracle of a resurrection from winter’s death to spring’s life astonishes all who behold it’s magic.

And into all that grandeur, my daughter was born in the month of May close to Mother’s Day. In our church we honor Mary, the mother of Jesus, in the month of May. Whenever I hear the song, “Ave Maria” it brings tears to my eyes. On a sad note, my father passed away in the month of May. More tears.

I can’t help feeling a little melancholy in Florida, we don’t have that kind of “May”. But what we do have is more sunshiny days with a lovely afternoon drizzle (I’m still waiting this year), less traffic, empty beaches all to ourselves. And deals, lots of deals. Restaurants entice us in with half off specials. Clothing stores practically pay us to come by and buy. Golfers can play any course, anytime dirt cheap. Everything slows down to a lazy-river-kind-of pace.

Life is good in the month of May wherever you live. Get out and enjoy it before it slips away.


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6 Responses to The Miracle of May

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I enjoy your descriptions about the roller coaster of life, with lots of highs and lows. I agree that we need to focus on the highs to help us navigate the lows.


  2. lynteach8 says:

    The color yellow sparkled in your essay. A couple favorite sentences/phrases: Awake, Awake, Mother Nature commands and lazy-river-kind-of pace.


  3. pales62 says:

    You words have kindled a renewed awakening of spring time. Super!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely, evocative descriptions. I too miss the parade of colors coming one by one — first white, then yellow, then a rebirth of the rainbow. But I wouldn’t trade my life here to go back and experience the gray and black of winter up north. Loved especially: pillow-puffy white clouds, lazy-river kind of pace.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. gepawh says:

    I’ve never heard the song of spring, or rebirth even, sung so well! Your piece is a powerful profound portrait in prose that left me smiling, hopeful, and tossing my shoulders back, putting my feet up and SORRY, exhaling my smoke in joy!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. santeach says:

    Your first paragraph is an also an accurate description of May in PA. The lush foliage with colorful blooms on the azaleas and rhododendrons brighten the landscape that was previously brown, bare and bleak. Loved so many of your descriptive phrases in this piece: “grey skies suddenly slipped into a beautiful blue”, “breezes gently rustle thru the newborn leaves”, “lakes glitter golden in a warmer sun” and so on.

    Liked by 2 people

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