A Dark and Stormy Day

It was a dark and stormy day (not night), lightning bolting everywhere, rain drenching, one of Florida’s rainy season kind of days. Mr. Olando Ortega dashed out of his brand new Lexus SUV, popping his umbrella , careful not to get his new Brooks Brothers suit and tie wet. Later that day, he had an important meeting with the top man at Publlx and he wanted to “kill it”. It hadn’t been easy working his way to the top but he was now responsible for all of Florida. At present, he was meeting his banker to secure that loan for his dream home on the beach.

The Fifth Third Bank elevator door clanked opened. Mr. Ortega shuffled his tie into the proper position, while observing a well-dressed twenty-something man entered the elevator with him. His over-powering cologne made Mr. Ortega nauseous. Oh well, a short trip up and I’m out, he thought. He remembered overdosing on the cologne himself back in his “stud” days. Suddenly, the power went out. The elevator stop. Mr. Ortega’s heart stopped.

“Shit, I hope we’re not stuck. I’m claustrophobic,” he wailed to the other man, treading back and forth in the tiny space.

The other gentleman began punching buttons and banging on the doors. “I have a one o’clock client.”

“ I have a one o’clock appointment,” Mr. Ortega said.

“You aren’t Mr. Ryan Bates are you?”

“I am,” smiled the other man. No worries. This happens all the time. Security will be on it and fix it.”

“Well, that’s a relief,” Mr. Ortega said, gaining his composure. He really needed to impress this banker and secure the loan. His wife had been bugging him for a while about that beach house.

“Later, I have an important meeting in Tampa with the head honcho of Publix, “Mr. Ortego announced. “It’s a two and a half hour drive. Hope this hurries up and gets fixed.”

“You always worked for Publix? “ Mr. Bates politely made conversation.

’’Ten years,” Mr. Ortega beamed.

“Your profolio is pretty impressive for ten years, “Mr. Bates stated, remember from glancing over it before lunch.

“ Funny thing is, I hit this kid who was robbing the store with a can of corn, “ and became a kind-of – hero in the store,” Mr. Ortega chuckled.

Mr. Bates ‘s face flushed. He became very quiet. Then said, “ I think I was that kid”.

“No way!”

“I think so. I pointed a gun a lady in Publix ten years ago. I was a stupid, confused, punk kid. “Luckily, they considered me a minor and I didn’t get jail time– just community service. A guy in Fifth Third Bank straightened me out and took me under his wing, showing me that college was possible. Now I’m working for the guy. One of life’s twists and turns.”

“Well, I’ll be damned,” a stunned Mr. Ortega mumbled as the elevator door opened.

“Come on over to my desk,” Mr. Ortega, and we’ll take a look at that loan,” Mr. Ryan Bates said in the most professional of manners.


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4 Responses to A Dark and Stormy Day

  1. santeach says:

    Blessed are the “saviors” in our midst that lift people up and get them on the path to success and self-respect.


  2. leeroc2 says:

    Great story. Life twists in action. Liked the happy ending… with a little question and surprise likely over the horizon.


  3. gepawh says:

    An upbeat conclusion to your story. Both men have prospered despite their circumstances!


  4. A good ending to your story! Kudos. 😀


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