Three Views: Amy, Natalie and Violet


I had just about finished filling my small market basket with goodies on my shopping list when a young woman’s behavior caught my attention.  As she scanned the store shelves she would periodically stop and glance outside.  My eyes were drawn to the outdoors where an old beat-up Ford sedan was parked close to the building.  Two young faces were pressed against the back window amid a pile of belongings heaped on the back seat.

The young woman fingered many items, checking prices, then putting them back on the shelf.  Finally she took a pack of cheese slices and prepackaged deli meat and, after checking her surroundings, placed them inside her bulky jacket.  I moved in.  She looked up and I shook my head.  She pulled the food out from under her wrap and put each package back in the cold case.  Frustrated and angry she quickly grabbed a pack of gum, placed small change on the counter and ran out to her car.

I collected the meat and cheese, picked up a loaf of bread, a bag of cookies and a quart of milk.  Waving to Natalie the clerk that I’d be right back, I hustled outside to the battered car.  The woman sobbed as I handed to her the basket of food.  As she parceled it out I returned to the store where Natalie and I settled my account.  Then using my cell phone, I placed a call to Rev. Adams, pastor of the Lutheran Church just a block away.


Not many customers were in the store when I noticed Amy trailing a young lady as she moved from aisle to aisle.  The game ended when the sad woman showed me a pack of gum, dropped a number of small coins on the counter and hurried outside.

Amy signaled that she would be right back.  She rushed outdoors with a market basket still slung on her arm.  I watched as she emptied its contents into the hands of the young woman and her kids.

Seconds later Amy stood at the counter itemizing what she had “bought” and we settled her account.  I overheard her call to the local reverend asking that someone from the church meet her in front the of store where a young family was in need of help.


I am mentally and physically exhausted and – dead broke.  My two kids and I have been living in my dad’s old car, trying to avoid bill collectors and my ex-husband.  Hunger forced me to attempt shoplifting, but a busybody caught me in the act so I was forced to put everything back.  I had no desire to explain myself to the police.  I bought a pack of gum with found change and hustled out of the store.

Panic set in as I watched the busybody exit the market place with a basket still slung over her arm.  She headed straight for my car.  Without a word she signaled me to open the driver’s window.  As the glass fell level with the door she passed the basket’s contents to me and my kids.  It was a virtual feast for today we had consumed nothing but water from a fountain in the local park.  I expressed my gratitude.

The “angel” returned to the store where she gave money to the clerk.  Much to my despair she then held a cell phone to her ear.  While speaking into it she kept watching us consuming the foodstuffs she gave to us.  I tossed my sandwich onto the passenger’s seat, started the car and burned rubber on the way out of the parking lot.  The “devil” was reporting me.  I cannot be returned to my old life and I will not let my kids be taken into foster care.

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5 Responses to Three Views: Amy, Natalie and Violet

  1. gepawh says:

    Love the ebb and flow of the thoughts of people assessing other people. The kind of writing that makes a wonderer wonder.


  2. calumetkid says:

    Sandy: You have to follow up this story. Call the pastor and find out what he did. Locate Amy again. You cannot leave us all hanging.!


  3. Really good character development. I enjoyed hearing you read it today. 😀


  4. jrowe2328 says:

    Excellent! Great story and story development.


  5. cocowriter says:

    Great story with lots of twists and turns. Loved the insights into the characters minds.


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