The fickle finger of fate has raised its hand and as the story opens we find the alleged robber and his alleged accuser together in an elevator in the Trump Tower in New York.

There are others in the gilt-gold cage, so at first, they don’t see each other. When everyone else departs on to their respective floors, the couple is left alone.

“Fancy meeting you here, after all these years”, says the alleged thief.”  She replies, “I don’t think there is anything fancy about this at all. In fact, if we were not in this gold monstrosity, I’d run away from you as fast as I could!” She adds, “You tried to frame me, you cad!

“Au contraire”, states the smartly-dressed dude. “Look how I’ve changed! I have an excellent job, a wife with two beautiful kids and money to burn!”

“How did you get the money – from the gold and the locket you stole?”

“I just put it in your pocket for safe-keeping.”

“Then, why did I go to jail, after the police searched me?”

“I don’t know. Search me.”

“Yes, you do!  A nice suit and some lies about your new life do not come close to explaining your villainous past.”

“But lady, I assure you I’ve changed. I am no longer the man I used to be!”

“Well, I’m the woman I used to be, albeit holding a ten-year grudge.”









With that, the aggrieved woman removes a small pistol from her purse and shoots the man dead!

The elevator stops on the 37th floor and the woman calmly exits.

The elevator continues to the Trump residence in the penthouse.

The moral of this story: Hell, hath no fury like a woman scorned!

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9 Responses to AS FATE WOULD HAVE IT

  1. pales62 says:

    Hey, I knew she’d kill that lying rat!


  2. santeach says:

    Nothing like an unexpected ending!


  3. pales62 says:

    Thank you for all the comments! I really appreciate he feedback. Stay away from elevators, especially in the Trump Tower!


  4. jrowe2328 says:

    See, if only the Secret Service had a medal detector set up for those getting on the elevator! That poor cad, he was probably on the way to share stories with the President about groping women!


  5. gepawh says:

    That “dirty rat” had it coming. LOL it was a fun read.


  6. cocowriter says:

    P.S. Loved the “fickle finger of fate”.


  7. cocowriter says:

    Oh, the creativity! This will be hard to follow. Nicely done!


  8. pales62 says:

    This is exactly why I stay away from elevators!


  9. I did not see that coming. 😀


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