Seething Sibling Scenario

Rico worked two jobs trying to keep up,  wealth wise, with his more able sister who was a lawyer making big bucks with high profile divorce matters.  Marla was known far and wide with her glib tongue, flattering demeanor, and alluring approach to a jury box.  But not poor Rico.  He worked the line at Fords during the day and had a dealer’s license at the Casino just east of town where he worked evenings.

High rollers came and went every night dropping 5 or 10 grand not even batting an eye.  This kept grinding on him to a point he had to devise a plan to relieve those rich bastards of some excess cash.  But the dilemma was; which one?  He liked the casino job and liked the players.  He hated his floor boss and had no affection for the owners.

Little sister Marla was the A student.  Second in her class.  On to Yale with scholarship money.  Then Stanford Law School.  Rico?  C plus in high school.  Two years at Jackson Community College.  Then bingo, a good job at Fords installing tail light housings which the robots could not yet do very well.  Steady work but not enough money in the endless sibling rivalry of who could make the most money.  So, nights behind the blackjack table at The Golden Eagle.  Not much money but Rico got some satisfaction by being amongst the rich and desperate at the same time.

Marla just got a huge bonus representing a billionaire in the tabloid divorce case of Max- amllion v. Maxamillion.   Marla let Rico know about it too.  This was the last straw.  Rico’s hatred for his casino boss urged him to speed up his plans to alleviate his monetary shortages versus his smart alack sister.

Each night he watched how the money dropped into the slots were moved to the vaults in the caverns of the casino’s basement.  Often the two armed guards who followed the cashiers were a little lax in their work ethic.  After all, they were in the basement of a locked down building.  Who could really try to rob them?  Well, Rico could and would.

Using a Taser could momentarily disable both guards and the cashier.   Three small Tasers could easily fit into his blazer’s inside pockets and not be seen.  The route from the basement to the laundry room dock was never locked or secured.  The security camera had not been working for at least a month.  So tonight was the night to even up money wise with his obnoxious big sister.  The cashiers always came to transport the large sums of money at 10:00 PM.  This was done to make room for more when the biggest spenders arrived after a concert, ball game, or other big event in the downtown.

Rico was relieved at his table 5 minutes before his scheduled shift at 9:55 PM.  He thanked Big Ernie and told him as he departed, “the broad on chair 3 may be counting cards, watch her.”  And off Rico went to the elevator.  He waited in the alcove to the right of the elevator door in the basement.  He fingered each of his three Tasers.  Three quick shots.  Down goes the guards and the cashier.  Grab the cash bags and roll out trough the laundry ramp where his car was waiting.  No one was around.  Just as he planned, it happened.  Now he is heading south on the freeway.  He arrived at his high-rise apartment just before midnight and flipped on the tube.  Local news.  Nothing about the robbery.  He flipped again to the other news stations, nothing.  This may be better than he hoped.  The casino won’t report the robbery.  Bad for business.  His hated boss will be canned for sure.  How great is that?

The guards and the cashier recover and stagger around but no cash bags in sight.  Upwards of 2 million must have been in the bags but no one knows for sure because it was yet to be counted.  The boss is in an uproar, to put it mildly.  He is ultimately responsible for the security of the evening’s receipts and they are all gone.  Without a trace.

The following week, Rico arrives at the family Thanksgiving dinner in a new Bentley  while Marla is in a year old Mercedes.  They happen to meet on the walkway to mother’s house.  “Not bad for a line worker” she mutters toward Rico after admiring his new car.  “Great luck playing the ponies he sasses back.”

Mother opens the door.  “nice car Rico, I like the color.”  “Marla, is your car getting a little old?”

About calumetkid

Born in 1943, Calumet, Michigan. Love baseball, trains, chess, Lake Superior, the Law. State Trooper, Lawyer, Retired.
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6 Responses to Seething Sibling Scenario

  1. santeach says:

    So many exceptional phrases that move the story along. The cadence is swift and seductive, drawing the reader into the mix.


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    All of these stories are so good…maybe there are careers in mystery writing awaiting you…? I learned a bit more about the gambling setting and liked the sibling rivalry description. I have an ongoing competition with my own brother!


  3. lynteach8 says:

    I was really curious throughout the story. The title tickled me. I enjoyed the variety of sentences. “Well, Rico could and would” is one of my favorites.


  4. gepawh says:

    You got me. When the casino didn’t report the robbery, I was waiting for Rico’s “cement shoes”! A good fable.


  5. Loved your final comment about Marla’s car being a year old. A brother’s revenge!!! 😀


  6. cocowriter says:

    My, my the creativity is really flowing with this robbery theme. Great job on creating colorful characters!


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