Writing Hideout!

I sit down, grab a pen and stare at blank paper.  My mind gets ready.  The tall padded chair places me well over the table’s surface and my feet hover above the floor.  A relaxed posture signals my brain to engage.  In this comfortable location, lacking TV, radio and visual distractions, black ink flows onto the lined sheet as ideas evolve in jumbled fashion.  When the paper is full I search for carats of “brilliance” to set the direction for the day’s work.

I have not traveled to a far away place, only a den converted into an art studio – a creative comfort zone for writing, painting, sewing and quilting.  A private space close at hand has been one of my life’s necessities and has been incorporated into all the homes in which I have lived.  For me, to create is to breathe.

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5 Responses to Writing Hideout!

  1. lynteach8 says:

    “Carats of brilliance” is one of the many phrases that grace your writing and gives me pause to stop and admire.


  2. jrowe2328 says:

    Ah, for some, to appreciate that which is created is itself their “creation” and their breath!


  3. gepawh says:

    Creativity, in all its forms are the stuff dreams and life are made of! I like that you have taken your “special place” with you from one home to another. Now breathe!


  4. cocowriter says:

    Loved your piece. Everyone should have a creative, comfort zone to quiet the soul.


  5. I love the last sentence! I think those who cannot create are half dead already.


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