Love to Vote

Once you begin thinking about four-letter words, they appear everywhere. On billboards, road signs, even coupons: best, free and love. My list didn’t begin with love but soon I noticed a connection. I love to read. I love word(s). I love to bike. I love to vote. Thinking of voting brought to mind 96 year-old Elsie, a Floridian who I met while calling for “Get out the Vote Campaign” in 2014. Yes, I’m that person.

Honestly, I almost did not place the call when I noticed her age on my printout sheet. The last three calls were to elderly citizens whose caregivers stated they were not available. It was tempting to mark “unavailable” and call it a day, but I just couldn’t.

Elsie answered on the third ring in a surprisingly strong and youthful voice. After I indentified myself and established that Elsie had a few minutes to chat, I asked the main question.

“Elsie, will you vote early or at the polls on election day?”

“Oh, Dearie.” Elsie sighed. “I’m too old to vote. It is all so confusing and I don’t know who is telling me the truth anymore.”

In all sincerity I commiserated with Elsie over the difficulty of sorting through the commercials and brochures. We continued to chat about issues and Elsie assured me that she didn’t need a ride to the polls that her niece always brought her on Election Day.

Before we ended the conversation, I remarked to Elsie how strong and vibrant she sounded. And then in even a more sprightly voice Elsie announced “I get along pretty well now with my new hip.”

I smiled as I checked off the appropriate boxes. Elsie and I shared a connection. We vote.

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3 Responses to Love to Vote

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Thanks for telling us about Elsie and your work at the voting places. I’m sad to know there are so many lonely people there are who just want someone to talk to. You have a compelling story here!


  2. gepawh says:

    Your writing style of this story dances between a real conversation and a spun tale quite effectively. I enjoyed it equally reading it here, as well as when you read it there!


  3. Loved your story. Well written and fun to read.


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