
Biking home from Pelican Pens the other day, I considered the prompt and the first object that came to mind was a small statue of a Navajo Storyteller. It is small enough to fit in the palm of my hand, and was a gift from a colleague who wanted to encourage my storytelling. Although the statue hasn’t been unpacked from our move seven months ago, and I cannot even recall where it is, I could clearly see the small statue, and I remembered Judy’s words when she gave me the gift.

Everywhere in my home are meaningful objects, and each holds a story. Recently, a Danish metal candleholder found a new place in my living room, and when I lit the candle the other night; I clearly recalled when we purchased it many years ago. One Saturday morning in the 1970s, we spontaneously broke from our usual weekend duties and the three of us drove north to Duluth. After breakfast overlooking the harbor, we toured a ship and walked along Lake Superior where my young son discovered the beauty of agates. Before we left Duluth we stopped at a Scandinavian Gift Shop on Superior Street to purchase the Danish candleholder that has brightened our home for the past 40 years or so.

My son’s discovery was the beginning of his fascination with agates, and today as a grown man he fills large pottery bowls and glass containers of his polished gems.   When visiting their home, I often played with the stones enjoying the cool smoothness. Now I have my own glass box filled with variegated colored bands of caramel, grey and white agates he has picked on distant shores and presented to me one Mother’s Day.

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1 Response to

  1. I love the clarity of your writing. Keep going! 😀


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