Time-Posts – An Ethical Will

This is my Ethical will, to be passed on to you and all future generations.

As I grew up, I learned the lessons of life from my family, friends, teachers, books, newspapers, television, and movies. Some of the things that I learned were wrong and I tried to learn that, as well. Here are some Time-Posts to give you the benefit of what I learned, while living in our world. Some of these Time-Posts may be relevant to your lives, some day, and others will not. That is OK. All of us are different and you must learn from your own experiences, as well. I hope that these Time-Posts will be helpful to all who read it.

Time-Post 1- The Universe

Since the Hubble Telescope broadcast back pictures from the beginning of the universe, when the “Big-Bang” occurred, we have learned more in the past 25 years than in the entire history of mankind. Learn and meditate on its significance, the mathematical moorings of the universe, the meaning of life, our future, and what it says and does not say about religion.

Time- Post 2- Our World, Earth

Our world, Earth, gives us the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the food we eat. It is source of sublime beauty, with its azure skies, always changing patterns of puffy white clouds, powerful fish-filled oceans and waterfalls, rolling hills filled with green grass and trees, all filled with life, from invisible bacteria to the largest of animals. Yes, our world is filled with life, but is a very fragile place. Make it your responsibility to keep our planet healthy and beautiful. It is our source of our dreams, poetry, books, culture, and our lives. We have over-populated the earth and now are responsible for the health and well-being of its contents. Do your part to make this world a better place. Take the time to enjoy the beauty of our world and all its inhabitants. The sight of an eagle, gliding on the currents of the wind will stay in your memory forever!

Time-Post 3- Religion

I have studied Torah for nearly 50 years. Be skeptical of those who have not taken religious studies and, yet, say it is worthless stuff. Read these ancient texts and find out for your self what it says and does not say. Take a trip to Israel supplies to learn about the origins of your culture and see the evidence of its ancient history. Respect other religious paths to living according to what God would want for us.

Time- Post 4- Living Things

While we were originally intended to eat vegetables and animals, we should learn to respect life, and not squander the lives of other forms of life, or treat them with cruelty. Show love to living things, especially if you have] pets.

Time –Post 5- Those who are Different

You have no doubt noticed that, for example, people from Africa, India, China and the US, do not look alike. Congratulations on noticing this. It means nothing. Our DNA is virtually identical, despite these variances. It means nothing! We are all people and we should treat each other with mutual respect at all times.

Time-Post 6-Education

Education is of critical importance. Learning in a formal setting can be especially frustrating, depending on the teacher, your age, hormones, or ability to concentrate. Try to ignore other students, who try to distract you from learning. I wish I had not distracted others and myself from the learning experience. Try to go as far as you can in College and Graduate School. Your own assessment of your abilities may not be correct. My wife, Mitzi, wrote the letter to get me admitted to Graduate School that I refused to write! She gave me the confidence that I needed to succeed and get my Doctorate in Biochemistry. I was hired because of my higher education and this gave me the platform that I needed to help solve the problems confronting the cosmetic and medical device industries.

Time-Post 7- Your Career

You have about 30 years to become a success in your career. This time passes quickly and soon you could be at risk of being replaced by a new technology, or a less experienced, younger, less expensive employee. To make the most out of playing the career game, understand that this is what it is for many people and try not to take it that seriously. If you pick a career that impacts the safety of people or animals, or the environment, you can actually do some good while using your creativity and skills to bring about positive change. I found such a career and did some good and am proud of it. After you retire, most others you encounter will not care about your accomplishments, from long ago.

Here is a trick to “success”. Just remember: “Never follow the sheep!” When you are in your car and every car is jammed up behind the other, the driver, who tries a new route, is not following the sheep. When you walk into your office and everyone is chatting, playing with the computer, or doing private work, those are the sheep. Distinguish yourself by identifying the weaknesses of the organization and develop steps to fix them. You will move up quickly in the organization.

Time Post 8– The Meaning of Life

The philosopher, Joseph Campbell was asked, “What is the meaning of life?” His reply was that “Life has no meaning. It is to be lived”. Even though all people are born to die, our lives are beautiful, if lived in the right way. Being surrounded by family and friends, experiencing marriage, mother and father-hood, helping children learn, are all examples of giving life meaning. Others accomplish “meaning” be devoting themselves to helping the poor and disabled, or caring for sick children or orphans, or finding cures to diseases and supporting humanitarian programs.

You can find your own path, but one path, becoming the world richest person, will not give life meaning, until that person gives all that money away to meaningful causes.

© Norman F. Estrin, Ph.D., Time-Posts, March 23, 2017

About normestrin

I enjoy creating sculptures, drawings, paintings, poetry, prose, and new ideas. I also enjoy playing tennis, ping pong, and using my sense of humor. My career was in the trade association field, creating new programs, books, and conferences to meet the needs of certain industries.
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3 Responses to Time-Posts – An Ethical Will

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I liked your focus on the universe and the earth and taking care of it all. The reference to each of us making our own meaning of life as we live is good to remember–especially at this stage. There is still meaning to be made!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. cocowriter says:

    Lots of life time experiences passed to the next generation. Good Job! I liked your advice to take a trip to Israel. We were actually headed to the Holy Land for a trip when a little thing called “cancer ” got in my way. But we will get there someday, God willing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. gepawh says:

    A foundation for them to build upon, for sure. Your hope that they never lose their “hunger” is powerfully evident.

    Liked by 1 person

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