Buy The Ticket

Buy The Ticket


My dear children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren I heard a sermon last Sunday that prompted me to pass on to you my “pearls of wisdom”. It was about the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:1-28).

As a little bit of background, God had promised that through the Jewish race the whole world would be blessed and know that the Messiah would be coming. Jesus tells the woman at the well, “I AM THE MESSIAH!

In our modern times we have to take this on faith. We are not lucky like the woman at the well or for that matter the apostles. We do not see the Messiah in a physical body like she did. However, thru faith we can know him. This faith is what I call buying a ticket. You may want to go to Heaven (it would certainly be better than hell or a nothingness as some would say). Just like a sporting event or a concert, you may want to go rather than not go, but you must buy a ticket. That ticket is faith.

The woman at the well had faith. First, she was shocked that Jesus would talk to her. She was a Samaritan, a member of a hated mixed race, had five husbands and was known to be living in sin, and was in a public place. No respectable Jewish man would talk to a woman those circumstances. But He did. Out of this we learn that we all sin, we are forgiven, and we must go out and share our faith as the Samaritan woman did. She immediately shared her experience with others, despite her reputation.

The biggest inheritance that I can pass on to you is the gift of faith. Nothing else in this life really matters. We are just passing thru this place called “life”. While you pass thru be the best person that you can be, love one another as I have loved you, and share the faith. See you on the other side.


Love With All My Heart,

Mom (Grandma)

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5 Responses to Buy The Ticket

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I’m struck by the ending of ‘See you on the other side.’ Maybe one of our assignments should be a about meeting on the other side!


  2. marcsacher says:

    Last paragraph nails it!


  3. leeroc2 says:

    Find faith by giving of ourselves and reaching out…. good news.


  4. This is so full of love, I can almost feel it like a warm blanket wrapped around me. I too have “bought the ticket.”

    Liked by 1 person

  5. gepawh says:

    Succinct, accurate and powerfull, in both its simplicity and complexity! An excellent gift.

    Liked by 1 person

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