Fleeting Footprints in the Sand 

Walking so very slowly on the soft, damp sand,

feeling its graininess gently, giving way,

as I forge firm new footprints by the frothy surf,

on this early, sunny Florida Friday morning.


I behold all the beach’s other Footprints

preceding, succeeding, and surrounding me,

as I stare at my freshly formed footprints,

Paralleling the softly lapping waves.


Some prints live, perhaps too close to the edge,

collapsing quickly, in the caressing waves.

Others have chosen to walk the middle path,

lasting a bit longer, but crumbling still.


Infinite other footprints cross the dry sand,

shifting and sliding, as the gentle breeze blows,

enduring briefly, then, disintegrating-

Obliterated as if they never lived at all.


I walk, pondering life’s purpose and meaning.

These footprints we form so fastidiously.

Footprints of the strong and weak, the rich and poor,

wise and foolish – all fading with the rising tide.


Max’s phone message, drained from pain, comes to mind.

I think of Ann, hoping to see her once more,

wondering what could I say, to ease her suffering.

Did her Footprints make any difference?


The answer comes with the flash of the morning sun,

skipping and streaming, on the emerald water.

Ann’s footprints are the way she led her life

and all she loved, left, and those who loved her.


Strong and sure impressions, carved with conviction,

Ann’s steps were boldly exploring life’s mysteries.

With a loving heart and inquiring mind,

Ann’s life was touching all those around her.


Footprints, like memories, never really fade.

Her Footprints like those coming before and after

rest, patiently and pliantly, beneath the sand,

easing the path, for those coming tomorrow.


Suddenly, I knew she was listening.         

Norman F. Estrin


(Conceived August 18, 1995, written August 20, 1995)

About normestrin

I enjoy creating sculptures, drawings, paintings, poetry, prose, and new ideas. I also enjoy playing tennis, ping pong, and using my sense of humor. My career was in the trade association field, creating new programs, books, and conferences to meet the needs of certain industries.
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4 Responses to Fleeting Footprints in the Sand 

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I am comforted by your thoughts of the footprints of those who have gone before us, resting beneath our footprints easing our path…


  2. leeroc2 says:

    Very nice imagery as usual. I loved your conceived date vs. written date. We need to let things evolve.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A lovely memorial. Well written.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. cocowriter says:

    Beautiful tribute to a life well lived.

    Liked by 1 person

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