Mom speaks*

Driving used to be fun.  I was free to roam and explore.   I could chose any route and there was always a surprise around the corner.  Now I have to negotiate.  My car’s computer, who shall be nameless nags and commands.  On the surface, she’s (pardon the sexism) polite when she says “turn right in 12 seconds”.  But I know she’s thinking “OK stupid.  Wake up and watch the road.  Do I have to do everything?”.


At first I was pleased with the upgrade, “Mom Speaks”.  After all, who better to take care of you than your mother?


As soon as you start the car there’s a stream of reminders:

-Did you forget your jacket?

-Did you go to the bathroom?

-Did you eat a good breakfast?

-Did you fasten your seatbelt?


Then as you travel, you hear the warnings:

-Don’t speed

-Keep your eyes on the road

-Watch out for potholes

-You’re getting too close


There will be some encouragement:

-Only 39 miles to your destination

-You’re are right on schedule

-You have saved gas by going slow

-You are handsome and you will be rich


But there will be reprimands too:

-I told you to turn!

-Where did you get your license?

-I can’t believe you did that.

-I am stopping the car.  Are you trying to kill me?


I would shut off Mom Speaks but she controls the car now.   I can’t start or stop without her permission.  I am helpless.  What have I done?  Take a bus!


As the bus pulls away I relax in my comfortable spacious seat.  I hear a familiar voice…. “Welcome to the Bus.  Let’s start with a few safety rules…”*



*Thanks to my brother-in-law, Reverend George.  He assures me that God has a sense of humor.  I hope so or I am doomed.


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5 Responses to Mom speaks*

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    Enjoyable humor here about our generation’s conflicts with technology–are we progressing or regressing?? I think the jury is still out…


  2. cocowriter says:

    Yikes, computers are taking over the world and becoming “human”!


  3. marcsacher says:

    Very relateable (sp?), and your social commentary combined with good humor shines through brightly as well.


  4. gepawh says:

    why do all the “George’s” feel they speak for God?


  5. Love it! But I have to say that I think “Mom” is better than “Big Brother.” I too hope that God has a sense of humor. I think he does — just look at giraffes and jellyfish.


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