Free Will

Do we really make decisions, I ponder?

Or are decisions a product of outside forces?


Politicians proclaim with alarm that disaster is near

Only they can protect us from dangers around.


Madison Avenue seduces with fantasies and products

We can only be truly happy with a shiny new Lexus.


Pharmaceutical  companies pledge to cure all ills

With very expensive pills.


Our soul mates give glance and hugs

Who knows what will happen after I vacuum the rugs,


Food controls us with sugary treats

While dentists give thanks for their new summrr retreat.


With these questions and confusion around me

I choose to manage this stress with a big fat brownie!




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3 Responses to Free Will

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I appreciate your way of taking very complex ideas and playing with them in contrasts and with humor. I’m thinking that there may not be ‘free’ anything…?


  2. cocowriter says:

    Lee, I’d join you in eating a brownie, but darn I gave it up for Lent!


  3. Hooray for brownies! As always you give the reader a laugh as well as something to think about.


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