Paradise Lost and Found

A bigger car by far

Won’t make me a star

A larger house to roam

Won’t make it a home

A spectacular talent for all to see

Will only make a big job for me

A bigger, stronger body revealed

Will require much maintenance concealed

A bigger brain to explore and hone

Will only discover the vast unknown

Oh well, I say

Paradise is here now, today



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4 Responses to Paradise Lost and Found

  1. gepawh says:

    Singing, dancing, celebrating, along with any overt signs of happiness are expressly prohibited. We of the “bleak, dark, dreary have no business “waxing” poetic much less philosophically upbeat!


  2. leeroc2 says:

    I have never done poetry but I find it to be very disciplined and economical. Each word must be precise. You can say a lot with little.


  3. cocowriter says:

    Good title to good poetry.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s a wise man who knows when he already has all he needs.


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