My Little Paradise

Sitting amongst the bright and wise

Is my idea of paradise.

We wander through our many days

But most of it is in a daze.

We rise, we dine, and wash our face

and leave the day without a trace.

But here, amongst my newest friends

We write and leave our thoughts with pens.

We seek to write immortal words

With writers cramp, we little nerds

We tell the truth and deny the lies

This, here, is my little Paradise.

About calumetkid

Born in 1943, Calumet, Michigan. Love baseball, trains, chess, Lake Superior, the Law. State Trooper, Lawyer, Retired.
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6 Responses to My Little Paradise

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    That phrase…’leaving the day without a trace’ is very interesting to me and I would like to pursue the thought…


  2. normestrin says:

    Simply sweet insight!


  3. marcsacher says:

    Love the combination of philosophy and humor.


  4. gepawh says:

    A wee bit of humor, a wee bit of truth, a wee bit of grace and a whole lot insightfulness!


  5. cocowriter says:

    A great tribute to the power of the pen!


  6. Your thoughts, how true! And written with amusement too. 😀


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