ADD Turned Inside Out

Time is fleeting, take it all in

Faces fly by like birds on the wing

Ideas leap out of primordial neurological ooze

X-ray vision sees the internal thing

The mad scientist explores the “magical what if”

The ringmaster in charge keeps the circus alive

The disorder before me should be adressed without losing my unique-ness



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3 Responses to ADD Turned Inside Out

  1. Each line requires personal analysis for the reader. Good job!


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    That last line to me denotes the dilemma related to how hard it is for us as a society to find ways to find common ground and still retain that uniqueness when we are all so different…to sort of become non-conforming conformists?


  3. jrowe2328 says:

    This sounds like Picasso’s thoughts as he looked in his mirror!


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