In My Mirror

I see a Little Leaguer hitting a bases loaded triple two games in a row. The cheers of his teammates and the smile of his coach. Without effort the mirror changes its reflection and shows a teenager dancing for the first time and  being awed by the first touch of a girl.  I see the first wearing of a tie and jacket to go to career day and wonder what “grownups” do.  I see the soldier boy in uniform backed dropped by the American Flag and all that means.  I see the homecoming and the change in the “old friends” and neighbors that happened while I was away. I see the blue uniform and thoughts race by of all the fun chasing the bad and stopping the evil.  Then the mirror seems to gain depth, texture, meaning as I see looking back at me the woman of my life, the three smiling faces of Jeff, Heidi, and Megan looking for the love and warmth of their daddy.  I see the professor expounding on the law and the cap and gown with my mother and family so proud.  Soon I see the courtroom with the black robes, wide eyed jurors and the avoidance behavior of defendants.  Then onto the glass appears the politicians who demand from me words that will make them happy.  But now I am done shaving and it is time to go play golf, or dine out, or write pithy phrases to read here at the meeting of the Pelican Pens.

The mirror does that to me as my aging face reflects my aging ways.

About calumetkid

Born in 1943, Calumet, Michigan. Love baseball, trains, chess, Lake Superior, the Law. State Trooper, Lawyer, Retired.
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3 Responses to In My Mirror

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    The time has gone by so quickly in retrospect! It’s interesting to hear what places in time were noted. Glad you have time now for those pithy phrases!


  2. jrowe2328 says:

    Sounds like some one happy in a life well spent! Excellent.


  3. Beautiful summation of a rewarding life!


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