Life Struggles

Fish oils are good for you.  Probably not for the fish though.  Here I stand.  Time for a new bottle.  Is this really doing any good for my heart and brain?  I haven’t asked either one of them.  They probably don’t have an opinion on the subject as they tend to work quietly in the background without much ourside input.


As I stand before a new container of fish oils, I think this is going to be difficult but I’m ready for you.  The bottle stands tall, firmly holding its position undaunted by the cuticle scissors placed beside it.  The plastic wrap envelopes Bottle with an invisible force unpenetrable by most mortal men.  Slowly I pick up this little fish oil fortress examining every small detail looking for the slightest wrinkle in the plastic collar wedded to its surface.


The search for the tiniest opening was fruitles of course.  Undaunted I scrape the border of plastic to try and create an opening.  Another couple of minutes pass by without Bottle’s yielding any sign of weakness.  Finally I have no choice but to scrape the plastic surface repeatedly in one spot to create the tiny crack in the plastic armor that will give me the opening.


As I scrape and scrape, I ponder how I would fare if I was trying to extract “nitro” to combat severe chest pain.  I imagine Bottle resting on my outstretched body sitting smugly on my chest as the ambulance attendant correctly states “Too bad he didn’t take his medication”.


Finally, an opening is surrendered.  But Bottle fights bravely on yielding only tiny plastic fragments which are piling up on the counter.  Even as the plastic collar finally is removed I am faced with the inner fortress wall as I peer into the now opened bottle.  I try to puncture this paper wall with my thumb to no avail.  If I press harder I may need to fill out insurance papers explaining how I broke my thumb.  Embarassing.  So I take Scissors by both hands.  Raised a foot above helpless Bottle I plunge Scissors directly into the seal which yields with a sigh.  A whiff of fish oil is the final defense.


After swallowing the massive capsule which does look a bit fishy at quick glance, I ponder. I wonder if the true value of fish oils are the mental and physical struggles one must endure to capture this oil.  I thought I caught a smile on one of these fish as I screw on Bottle’s cap.



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3 Responses to Life Struggles

  1. pales62 says:

    You have captured the pure essence of opening a bottle – always a daunting task.

    On a lesser note: I cannot seem to communicate with you any way but this. Re photo club. Nedd your email. Mine is Sorry I had to do it this way.


  2. jrowe2328 says:

    Ah, yes, plastic armor! Be glad it also didn’t have a “child-proof” cap! Loved it!


  3. My favorite line is: “A whiff of fish oil is the final defense.” Another good reflection on the minor yet oh-so-important issues of life. 😀


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