No Respect!

I’m sick an tired of being left out! Everyone else gets recognition.  Everone else gets celebrations and parties.  Everyone else gets the happy times.  I’m even shorter than everyone else.  Everyone just wants to rush on past me to get to the good times.  It’s no wonder that I throw a little fit every few years and demand more time.  I suppose I shouldn’t be so pushy but what else can I do?

Even my name is weird.  It’s hard to spell, makes no sense and the first sound of it resembles a leaky tire or worse.  Everyone else has a strong or pleasant name that suggests strength, confidence and even sexiness.  My name suggests a bad beer or an unscrupulous accountant.

Ok, February does have Presidents’s Day.  Big deal.  Everyone hates politicians, even dead ones.  Besides, it’s the coldest month of the year.  It’s snowy or rainy.  It’s cold and dark. There are no presents, no parades, no fireworks.

I need a press agent to fix this mess.  Let’s see.  Darkness is good for your complexion since there’s no sunburning to wrinkle you skin.  Snow and cold causes you to drip costantly cleansing your sinuses.  Cold kills bugs and fungus that damage trees and crops. This is not going well.

I give up, March, April, May and June.  You win.


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6 Responses to No Respect!

  1. normestrin says:

    February needed therapy and you gave an understanding of the joy of acceptance. Cool way to make it real!


  2. santeach says:

    An interesting view of February. Agreeing with George, being in FL changes one’s perspective.


  3. cocowriter says:

    I liked the personification of February. Unique! Good job!


  4. gepawh says:

    Humorous take on a difficult month, excepting here in sunny Florida!


  5. jrowe2328 says:

    Excellent! Enjoyable read.


  6. Poor little February! Don’t feel bad. If we didn’t have you, we’d have to go straight from January to March! We need you, little friend.


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