Last Night

I’m walking in the woods on a clear, crisp moonless night.  My jacket flaps gently in a light welcoming breeze.  Stars sparkle and trees stand in attention on both sides of the path in silent contemplation.   Stripped of most of their leaves these stately trees remain resolute.


I stare at one leaf which calls to me.  As I approach the bottom branch it hangs there, wavering, squirming trying to be set free.  As I examine the leaf closely it’s veins and wrinkles take form.  A tortured face emerges.  I step back in shock as it breaks away and flutters to the ground in a hopeless attempt to flee from this place.


I feel a cold sweat on my neck as I quicken my pace down the path.  Dozens of earless rabbits stumble all about hobbled by shattered, broken legs.  Hawks screech a warning in the branches above.  I rush from this woods into an open field ahead.  I am grateful to leave this horror filled landscape.


As I breath deeply, I feel safety is ahead.  My pace slows as I move forward in measured steps.  Crunch.  Crunch. The sounds grow insistent with every step.  My feet sink a few inches in harmony with each crunching sound.  Something propels me forward, eyes averted.  This sound builds with each step to a defeaning crescendo.  I can not resist and slowly I lower my gaze.


Below me stands an endless sea of skulls, human, of various sizes and shapes.  My foot rests in the shattered pile of bones beneath it.  I look to the horizon for the nearest escape.  A doorway appears with a welcoming light.  I rush towards it accompanied by the cannon fire of my steps.  With relief I enter.  My wife peers at me from her chair motioning for me to take a seat beside her.  A tear rolls slowly down her wrinkled cheek as I sit.


Shaken, my eyes quickly open.  I see my loving wife and her concerned face surveying me.  “No, I’m fine.  I must have had a dream”.  I declined breakfast in order to rush off to the office.  I try not to concern her with the weight of matters before me.


She gave me a quick kiss and a hug as I depart.  She smiles as she says, “Don’t forget to come home early Abe, we have the play tonight”.   “Yes Mary, I’m looking forward to it”, I lied.




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4 Responses to Last Night

  1. Teresa Kaye says:

    I want to work more on my writing to incorporate all the senses as you have done…your descriptive words lead to really visualizing the scene.


  2. marcsacher says:

    Echo Judy’s comment as well as the others. Captured the ominousness in the scene. You certainly had the desired response. (Before reading the ending I was worried you were hanging out with George too much.) :>)


  3. cocowriter says:

    What a hook! With all your sensory words I was there. Great job! You made Abe come alive!


  4. You sucked me in, and I was shocked and surprised by the ending. Good job of building tension and suspense!


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