
A simple word, yet “up” is a lot more complex at closer look.  It is a direction and we all need direction.  It is a place and we all need a place.  It is an action and we all need to act.  It is a command and we all need a push.


I contemplate these facts as eyelids close and my pad drifts from its soft desk…..?………………………….?….?……………..!!!………………………?……………………………………………eyes closed, ok little slits, walk slowly, (flush)……………………………don’t wake up………..?..?…………………………………………………………….is that a slit of light stabbing my eyeball? ……………


My 100 billion brain cells slowly turn on.  The simple night shift kept the basic machinery working, but now it’s time to get the show on the road.  Back to up.  It occurs to me that the entire universe mimics this process.  Yes, I see the human centric point.  Bear with me.  The universe explodes from nothing 15 billion years ago, expanding at incredible speed, with various bodies creating, expanding, destroying and recreating.  Even black holes, the vacuum of the universe will clean up.  Nothing is wasted.


Every time I get up, I reaffirm nature’s command.  “Up” is precious, perhaps devine.  Maybe the night shift of my brain is really doing the heavy lifting and I’m just recognizing it’s work when I get “up”.




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2 Responses to Up

  1. jrowe2328 says:

    Sounds like you had to get UP to pee! Happens to me most nights, more than once!


  2. It’s interesting that you focused on up while many of us focused on wake or awake. I love the way each of us approaches the assignments from a different point of view. As always, good job!


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