
Vivid colors splashed across the eastern horizon.  Bold oranges and vivid yellows mixed with magenta  cast  mirror images on the pond below.  Bits of the glow filtered through the curtains and nudged me gently awake.  Like a cat I stretched my limbs and purred with contentment.  It is January and I am in Florida luxuriating in the warmth and sunshine.  Peering out at the masterpiece in the sky I breathed deeply, feeling renewed, refreshed and ready for the day.

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3 Responses to Awakening

  1. cocowriter says:

    Loved it. Beautiful writing! Keep doing it.


  2. gepawh says:

    I like the fact your words connote “inner peace” and not just external peace! Effective delineation!


  3. Your contentment and quiet joy was evident in every word. Good writing.


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