What Is Love?

Love is
sharing celebrations of life with family and friends.

Love is
raising young into adulthood.

Love is
showing compassion to others.

Love is
savoring the warmth of a lover’s embrace.

Love is
promising “till death do us part”.

Love is
promoting responsibility where rules are enforced with reason and fairness.

Love is

Love is
feeling great moments of passion and joy.

Love is
remembering and retelling stories from the past.

Love is the glue that binds people together and strengthens a nation.







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4 Responses to What Is Love?

  1. gepawh says:

    excellent! The line about love being forgiving, is one love’s most profound and difficult elements.


  2. I love your line about love being the glue. Wonderful insight.


  3. normestrin says:

    Beautiful definitions! Yet, Love is more than the sum.


  4. cocowriter says:

    A beautiful tribute to love.


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