The Rebellion

The rebellion started slowly about two decades ago.  With the first troops to desert, there was some surprise.  The escape plan was the shower drain.  Really?  Hair should be more nobel.  A few strands on a fine suit or on the pillow would show some class.  But a shower drain?


The next attempts at desertion came a bit lower as my belly decided to reach out over my belt to scout around.  Don’t bother, there’s nothing to see.  The pace of the rebellion picked up a bit with a sudden bulge .   At first it would appear that an Alien had invaded this fortress but a surgeon quickly put that bulge into a little wire brig.  Then there were spots staring at me in the morning.  Mirrors should be banned from all forts.  They just lead to self doubt and worry.  Oh you can remove a few of these spots but like a ripe banana, they will come back.  I assume the point of this was to send a Morse code message or perhaps amuse the troops with a dot to dot exercise.


Next came the shoulder, which had given reliable service for many years.  Oh, I could put up with some resistance but I had to draw the line at refusing to pick up a cup of coffee out of the microwave.  Rotator cuff was this soldier’s name.  That sounds like a garden tool.  Wait, there’s more.


My dentist has enlisted me to contribute to his two children’s medical school tuition.  Naturally I accepted.  How can you say no, or anything for that matter, with a metal jack in your mouth and tubes running out.  Apparently crowns are not guaranteed for life, unless you have been run over by a bus at 40.  I should have read the fine print.


Speaking of fine print, even the vision is going.  Again, it is sporadic.  Sometimes the work stoppage is sporadic and unpredictable.  The vision can get pixalated for nooo appparemt  rreasson.  Dis cun krreate confuusion for you whhen writiinggg.


Oh well, brave body parts.  You have worked hard all your life.  Perhaps you need to retire or work part time.  I only ask the troops to rally a bit longer.  We have a few more missions to complete and I will need your help.  please hang in there.  I promise I will eat more brocoli.


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3 Responses to The Rebellion

  1. cocowriter says:

    I agree with Judy — it made me laugh — all the while touring with your rebellious “troops”.


  2. leeroc2 says:

    Thanks for your support. It’s better to laugh at life than cry or complain!


  3. Broccoli? Really? I’m sticking to chocolate. I may die younger, but my taste buds will be happier. Seriously, this was a good piece of writing, Lee. It made me laugh and some days that is a real accomplishment. 😀


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