Ode to a node

I never thought I’d be writing an ode to a node. But here I am after 5 chemo rounds, breast surgery, and headed to radiation thanking my lymph nodes.

Lymph nodes are small bean-shaped organs that trap unwanted substances and fight infection. Pretty impressive job right? Well, there is more. The lymph nodes filter lymph fluid, remove bacteria, viruses, cancer cells and other substances that could cause harm. The filtered lymph fluid is then returned to the bloodstream, and the unwanted substances are eliminated from the body.

SLN are the first set of lymph nodes that a tumor will pass through if it were to spread. My SLN was a mighty warrior who stayed strong not letting those invasive cancer cells thru the gate. So, thank you and hats off to my sentinel node. Who knew that would be the body part that I would appreciate the most.


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4 Responses to Ode to a node

  1. normestrin says:

    I am sold that your bold node deserves this ode!
    I propose that your good prose really shows!


  2. jrowe2328 says:

    Isn’t it wonderful that we have such wonderfully constructed bodies that watch out for us! Congrats to your lymph nodes for doing a superb job.


  3. gepawh says:

    Hooray for your SLN, and a greater cheer for your spirit, God’s assistant in your cure!


  4. We never know what will become important to us, do we? Prayers continue, until you are declared CURED.


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