Halloween: Then and Now

Decades ago when I was a child there was much anticipation and preparation as the night of Halloween approached.  Lots of time was spent fashioning outfits designed to deceive our friends and neighbors and selecting the perfect paper bag in which to collect our “loot”.

In the kitchen we popped corn or made cookies to put in small decorated bags as treats for the ghosts and goblins who would come to our door.  Some of our neighbors candied apples; some bought candy bars; and others put handfuls of penny candies in little gift bags.  Selecting the perfect offering was an important act.  We knew which homes usually offered the “choice” goodies.

Parents of small children walked their charges from house to house while older kids traveled unchaperoned in small groups.  Everyone knew each other in our small rural community and residents took joy in trying to decide who was behind each mask.  When out of guesses, the Halloweeners removed their disguise.  To hear, “I give up, who are you?” was the ultimate compliment.

As the hour grew late and more house lights darkened, trick or treaters headed home merrily snacking on their bounty.  Happy and exhausted the bags of treats were emptied onto the table or floor where we sifted through our goodies, still munching, and making trades with our siblings for favorites.

Today there continues to be much anticipation and preparation for Halloween.  Outdoor decorations frequently surpass those for all other holidays.  JoAnn Fabrics stores sell more fabric for the making of costumes than for any other purpose.  On-line sales of commercially made outfits is a brisk business.  Homemade creations seem to be in the minority.  And the paper sack of the past has been replaced with a lot of plastic – buckets, pumpkins, and bags.

The selection of treats to offer the spooky visitors has changed.  Home-made items would be viewed with suspicion.  All candy is expected to be in its original packaging with no holes or tears.  Treats with nuts are discouraged.  Parents are warned to inspect each item and remind their children not to eat anything until everything has been examined.

The guessing game has also changed.  When my children went “trick or treating” they only visited homes of people they knew.  However, ringing our bell were frequently children from surrounding areas.  Their parents dropped them off in town so they could canvas for treats from anyone.  We learned to first ask, “Do I know you?”  Often there was a negative shake of the head.  We would drop a treat in their hands and wonder at the loss of excitement Halloween used to bring.

Reminiscing about the “good old days….”

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4 Responses to Halloween: Then and Now

  1. cocowriter says:

    Thanks for the trip down “Halloween” memory lane. I use to love the holiday, now days it’s turned into an evil event. Oh, bring back the pumpkins!


  2. normestrin says:

    Today will live in such a different world where we have all adopted complex technologies that have changed our lives, often improving our health, making travel easier, and bring us entertainment of all kinds, from all over the world. We have learned amazing things about an expanding universe, multiple universes, black, holes, and dark matter. We have computers that revolutionized learning. We send rockets to land on asteroids and smash into comets. We travel at great speeds in cars and planes and can see the world much more easily. Some of us even hope to visit Mars, some day!

    We have medicines that lengthen our years , reduce our suffering and give us hope. Yet we also live in fear of global pollution that can destroy our world and turn it into a planet like Venus, with its run-away global warming. We have illegal drugs destroying our children’s lives, legal guns killing innocent people, Antibiotic-Resistant bacteria, destroying patient’s lives in, once safe, hospitals. We live in fear of terrorists, bombing by foreign dictators, wanton killing and other violence on our streets. We are afraid of people, who do not look like us, or have different religious beliefs or customs and want them deported. We walk in the streets afraid of them, and shunning contact. We have TV commentators, preacher, and politicians who exploit such fears.

    Our favorite hobby if our pre-teen years was carefully crafting model airplanes from paper, glue and balsa wood into beautiful flying machines, powered by real gas motors. We would carefully attach swastickers to the wings and send them nigh into the sky, filled with firecrackers, with a long fuse. We would watch the enemy planes explode and gracefully fall to earth. We ran to recover the motor and carved wooden propeller, so that we can use them in our next planes. Who would have guessed that this innocent hobby would, someday, morph into the fearsome, deadly drones of today!

    Nicely done remembrances!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. gepawh says:

    nice retrospection! to answer Judy’s wonder. I vote for then, I fear the depth of evil is greater today, then.then


  4. Sigh. How right you are. Trunk or Treat offerings re becoming popular at local churches, to substitute for going house to house and getting “questionable” candies. It’s a new world, and I often wonder if it’s a better world, or just a different one.


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