
The sun moves slowly up or so it seems.  Droplets  glisten on the grasses caressed by a breeze ever so gently.   Peeps, chirps, caws are heard as the celebration of the end of night begins.  Work to survive another day begins for all of nature.  The strong, the swift, get the better of life as nature dictates its eternal way.

Ah! But us, mankind has different ideas.  We win all our battles against the lesser creatures.  We cultivate everything.  Our food, our pleasures, our friends.  We manipulate, we invent,  we satisfy ourselves one way or another.   Intellect is the difference.  Mankind has dominion over the animal kingdom.

For me, its tee time at 8:52. I’d better get moving.  Three pills, one aspirin, scoops of yogurt, finish the second cup of coffee.  Shave, shower, find a shirt with collar, of course.  Shorts today, as it will reach the mid eighties.  Then off to my golf cart, with a snack for later, and ice water.  Work to survive another day has begun for all of nature.  And me.


About calumetkid

Born in 1943, Calumet, Michigan. Love baseball, trains, chess, Lake Superior, the Law. State Trooper, Lawyer, Retired.
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6 Responses to Mornings

  1. gepawh says:

    prosy, poetic, accurate! lose the yogurt and toss caution to the wind……..Sausage and eggs and that golf ball will fly off your clubs. Well written,


  2. santeach says:

    Great read while eating breakfast, pondering my schedule for the day. Great combination of imagery, observations and then the reality of getting ready to pursue your interests.


  3. normestrin says:

    Your delicious description has me longing to hear it for myself at Pelican Preserve.
    We are learning that our best accomplishments are buried with all the others, as if they were so many grains of sand. Yet, somehow I also believe that every good thing that we do, somehow makes our world a little better. Maybe, we need to work harder at it, as a people, because our planet is in trouble and innocent living things of all kinds are suffering. For seniors, like us, we can play competitive golf, tennis, cards, etc. without any guilt, but, also, paying it forward, as well as we are able, could add to our score in a bigger game. Nicely done! It gave me wonderful images to cherish and deep thoughts to ponder.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. leeroc2 says:

    Great imagery. Loved it. Did you survive your golf game? Are we so dominant? Will some tiny virus wipe us out as we write poetic references about sunrise and beat our handicap on the golf course?


  5. cocowriter says:

    Loved the imagery of the first paragraph — the poetic peeps, chirps, and droplets glistening !


  6. duaneacker says:

    Much good thought in a few words!


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