The Passing Scene


As Summer rolls along with it’s gaiety, lounging, and sand kicking, well underway, August, with it’s eternal hot weather, tells the mind of the pleasures so far and the impending change just beyond the mental horizon.  Back to school ads pop up everywhere you look.

Ah!  But not for us.  We are well past formal education.  Our learning now is by choice.  We can do whatever we want.  We can read whatever we want.  We can associate with whomever we feel comfortable.  Stressful occasions, difficult people,  unwanted meetings will be spurned.  Except hospital visits, doctor appointments, and funerals.

Perhaps we are well passed the dog days of Summer and further into the Autumn of our lives than we admit.  We still have time to accomplish, perform, and demonstrate what we have within us.  A poem, an art work, a cryptic phrase or two, mined from decades of experience and exposure to all the days gone by.

Sometimes I feel like a landfill with all the used up and discarded treasures of the past.  But, I know that my past is what sustains me now and frees me to tell you and anybody what life can hold for everyone born.  Hallelujah, I was allowed to be, to live, and revere  this gorgeous place called Earth.

As Summer moves on to the crisp mornings, golden landscapes, and the deepest of blue skies expose yourselves by sketching for all to see the crisp wealth of your mind, the golden knowledge you own, and the deepest part of your heart.



About calumetkid

Born in 1943, Calumet, Michigan. Love baseball, trains, chess, Lake Superior, the Law. State Trooper, Lawyer, Retired.
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7 Responses to The Passing Scene

  1. normestrin says:

    Joe, life has been filtered by the years into an elixir of life’s wisdom. It is said that the highest prayer that a person can make is one of thanksgiving. Your is that kind of prayer, and i will keep is close by to read again and again. Heart-felt thanks!


  2. gepawh says:

    ah, the cop, the lawyer, the poet, the man! I am blown away by your prose, intellect and wisdom!


  3. duaneacker says:

    Joe, you described our current status and feelings very well!


  4. cocowriter says:

    Your “crisp mornings and golden landscapes” made me homesick for an Ohio Autumn. A beautiful reflection, Joe.


  5. leeroc2 says:

    Love this sensitive and honest piece. We.all have treasures to enjoy and share. Lee


  6. This was uplifting and poignant. I especially liked your second paragraph. 😀


  7. santeach says:

    Great piece, Joe. A number of phrases struck me as I read. You have have given me a fresh perspective on the “golden years”.


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