Letter to the Editor: Enough is Enough!


Civility is disappearing in our society. I seldom see emails saying “Dear Norm”, or hear “Thank you” or “best regards” at the end of an email. My son never says “hello”, or       “goodbye” on the telephone, so he can quickly get to what he needs from me and go. Do you notice how many men push in front of people in an elevator, where custom and politeness used to dictate, letting women, children, and the elderly, or disabled people off first?

We now have a presidential candidate that calls a congressman “Lying Ted” or another presidential prospect, “crooked Hillary” or “The Devil”? What’s worse, many people cheerfully chant these outrageous offenses, in public. The news media than repeats them day and night, inspiring other imbeciles to do so, e.g., at work and in school. He even mocked a disabled reporter, with Mr. Trump, displaying exaggerated ape-like movements.

Now, this candidate publicly humiliated US Citizens, a Muslim husband and wife, who dared to shame him for his outrageous insults against peaceful Muslim people. Mr. Kahn’s copy of the U.S. Constitution was offered it to Mr. Trump, in case he had not read it. Mr.Trump was furious that Mr. Kahn was allowed to insult him that way. This, of course, proves that Mr. Trump has not read the First Amendment, allowing Freedom of Speech.

He has insulted women and repeatedly called them, “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.” His list of people he has insulted also includes: adversaries, babies, mothers, journalists, foreign dignitaries, Republicans, the President, Mexicans, and many more. It not normal for anyone, and especially a Presidential Candidate, to respond to every criticism with an insult or a lie.

His falsehoods are extraordinary, and too many to mention. Here a few from a Google search, promising 250 examples:  He lied about his relationship with President Putin, he denied mocking a disabled reporter,  He lied that Hillary Clinton wants to “essentially abolish the Second Amendment”, He falsely claimed: “The United States is about to take in 250,000 Syrian refugees”; “African-Americans are responsible for most white homicides”; and “during the 9/11 attacks, “thousands and thousands” of people in an unnamed “Arab” community in New Jersey “were cheering as that building was coming down.” He also claimed that he was “better that everybody at everything”. Who could disagree with that?

Shame on those who encourage him! I will not laugh with or at Mr.Trump. I do feel sorry for him because he seems to be having a mental breakdown, becoming more bizarre by the day. This is not Celebrity Apprentice. It is the election of the President of our country!

Trump has said that he would “certainly look at” pulling the United States out of the international security alliance, because it is “obsolete” and “is costing us a fortune.” At the same time, he compliments President Putin and other dictators. Can you imagine what would happen if we leave NATO? Today, in an equally Bizarre announcement, he said that he would not endorse the well-respected House Speaker, Paul Ryan, or Senator  and former decorated prisoner of war, John McCain, his fellow Republicans, for re-election.

He obviously needs mental health counseling, but he can do that on his own time. Now is the time for him to resign, on his own, or the Republican National Committee should pressure him to do so. It is time for Donald Trump to say to himself, YOU’RE FIRED! Otherwise, there is almost unlimited harm that he can do to U.S. credibility, both here an abroad, and relations with other countries,  as he continues to make a mockery of the USA.

© Norman F. Estrin, Ph.D. August 3, 2016 Enough is Enough

About normestrin

I enjoy creating sculptures, drawings, paintings, poetry, prose, and new ideas. I also enjoy playing tennis, ping pong, and using my sense of humor. My career was in the trade association field, creating new programs, books, and conferences to meet the needs of certain industries.
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5 Responses to Letter to the Editor: Enough is Enough!

  1. gepawh says:

    As a republican I cringed at his ability to suck the air out of every room. Many of the other sixteen might have had something to offer, but we never heard! The MEDIA he now hates, were his biggest allies, THEY wanted him the candidate. What is appalling is that he has anyone following him. Throughout all Hebraic and Christian Wisdoms, we are told “OUR WORDS” will be our downfall.. We are witnessing his being his own. The other sad and sorry fact is Hillary leaves much to be desired as well. It goes back to the beginning of your statement, CLASS< DIGNITY<RESPECT have gone out of style, just as it has before in every empire beginning it's crumble!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Norm, please consider sending this to the media! I cannot even see or hear this person (don’t want to have his name in my mouth) without becoming angry. I don’t like to feel that way about anyone, but this guy is an anti-Christ. I’m afraid for our country and our world. I’m an ABT (Anybody But T—-.)


  3. leeroc2 says:

    Here, here! Sad state of affairs. I stated at my duplicate bridge table yesterday in a deadpan tone that I heard that Donald had a press onference an hour earlier where he stated his proposal to kill Santa. Much to my surprise my partner was shocked, until I stated I was joking. We expect anything from Donald.

    Liked by 2 people

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