Lobster Politics

Let me say at the outset that I hope not to offend any of my new Pelican Pen friends who have helped me thru this last difficult chemo.

But in my opinion — and only my opinion– I have some definite ideas about the current divisiveness in our country.

It happened similar to cooking a lobster. If you put it in cold water and slowly turn the heat on, the lobster will not even realize that he is being “cooked”. My folks, we have been slowly “cooked”  from a Democracy toward a Socialist Society without even realizing it. Look at how many supporters showed up for Bernie Sanders if you doubt me. Obama quoted Saul Alivisky in his book and Hillary wrote her thesis on him. Who is this Saul Alivisky?

Below are his 8 levels of control from a Democracy to a Socialist Society:

  1. Heathcare– Control Healthcare and you control the people. —Done
  2. Poverty– Increase poverty levels as high as possible.Poor people are easy to control as long as the government is providing them with everything and will not fight back.– Done
  3. Debt– Increase the National Debt to an unsustainable level –that way you will be able to increase taxes and this will produce more poverty.– Done
  4. Gun Control -Remove the ability to defend themselves from the government that way you are able to create a police state — total local control — Almost There
  5. Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives –food, housing, income–Done
  6. Education- Take control of what people read, listen to, what children learn in school — Almost Done
  7. Religion — remove faith in God from schools and government– Almost Done
  8. Class Warfare — Divide the people into wealthy against the poor. Racially divide. This will cause more discontent and will be easier to tax the wealthy with full support of the voting poor.–Done

My friends we have been cooked!

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7 Responses to Lobster Politics

  1. cocowriter says:

    P.S. Chemo brain is not working today — leaded — should be headed.


  2. cocowriter says:

    Norm, thank you for your comment. Americans are all frustrated on both sides — the left and the right. We all sense that we are leaded in the wrong direction and are looking for answers. Who knows the truth when our leaders lie to us/ and or bought by special interest? I apologize if anyone was offended by my writing.


  3. normestrin says:

    I think that the problem is that we are heading towards in a totalitarian society, not a socialist society. Rigging the political system by allowing PACs and large donors to dictate who wins elections, silences voters influence and destroys our democratic values. We are cooked because we have two houses of congress who have been bought and no longer represent the voters.Your 8 points imply a conspiracy theory that I believe doesn’t exist. This is no place to argue political theories and so I will end here.


  4. santeach says:

    Your opinions are welcomed here and your case is well stated.


  5. gepawh says:

    no apology ever needed, the good news is many agree with you, the sad and sorry news is we as a society lost our dignity, while all you mentioned were born of hippies and acid ( i remember) no decent alternative stands before us! It truly is this time “frick or frack”


  6. Incidentally, GREAT title.


  7. You are soooo right! I fully agree with what you wrote.


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