Another Sad day for Freedom

The media are busy they have something to say

The Muslims have killed again on an ordinary day

Another sad day for freedom.

Again it was in France at a celebration place

Killing little children at an alarming pace.

Another sad day for freedom.

Following orders from their “god” Allah

Hatred of the world is their main mantra

Another sad day for freedom

Americans, alone, must now stand up to fight

The conversation is over of what is right

Another sad day for freedom

We must enter the fray with all our force

Wave the red, white, and blue, and in the course

Have a glad day for freedom.

(Sing this with a guitar, imagined or otherwise.)

About calumetkid

Born in 1943, Calumet, Michigan. Love baseball, trains, chess, Lake Superior, the Law. State Trooper, Lawyer, Retired.
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5 Responses to Another Sad day for Freedom

  1. cocowriter says:



  2. normestrin says:

    You captured, Brilliantly, the times or our lives.


  3. gepawh says:

    indeed, another victory for hatred! It is time the world unites behinds that which is right, instead of that which sounds right!


  4. So well said, Joe. This just must stop, and I wish I knew how to make that happen.


  5. santeach says:

    My air guitar strummed along. Yes, another sad day for freedom!


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