Forced Choice: Adrift

The keel of the barge gave stability to the vessel as it drifted down river barely avoiding the imposing obstacles in its path. The captain tried to show his moxie while quaffing booze followed by a chaser of juice, hoping the elixirs would quell his nerves. He had hocked everything to buy the barge and ignored the feeble attempts of his peers to dissuade him.

Now he was floating in the channel with no power, insecure about his situation and totally zugzwanged. The wanton yarn his pals will spin will become grafted to his wife’s raving thunder concerning this folly. It was too late for niceties. He keyed up the ship to shore radio setting the xenon gas into motion and sent out his SOS.

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6 Responses to Forced Choice: Adrift

  1. calumetkid says:

    You turned randomness into coherence. In just 2 paragraphs. Philosophers are aghast. Well done. You expanded the meaning of the word; fun.


  2. calumetkid says:

    Simply amazing. I thought it would be fun and you expanded the meaning of the word; fun. No easy task but you did it.


  3. gepawh says:

    excellent, I actually felt sorry for the Captain!


  4. jrowe2328 says:



  5. cocowriter says:

    Awesome story and congrats for rising to the challenge! I’m afraid with my “chemo” brain right now that I could not even come up with anything. And thanks, Sandy, for the lovely card. I so needed it today.


  6. Wow, that’s impressive. You managed to get it all in, in a very short piece that was completely coherent. I’m proud to know you!


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