Alliterative Thoughts

The night is still
A star-studded sky
Envelops the earth
Bringing closure to the day.

A gentle wind whispers
Through tall tree tops
And a light mist
Slowly settles on the ground.

A picture perfect evening
Peace and tranquility;
Safe and secure
I fall into a restful sleep.

Miles away
Shots shatter the illusion
As a lone gunman
Wields death and destruction.

Cable news feasts
On the horrific event
Reaching out to reeling relatives
Perusing the perp’s past.

Our country’s leaders
Jockey for political positions
Using this terrible tragedy
To advance their agendas.

Powerful men and women
With burly bodyguards,
Working in public places
With supertight security,

Debate and debate
The rights of citizens
To bear arms
For self-preservation

While we the people
Suffer the savagery
Of mass murderers –
In “gun free zones” –

Supposedly safe places,
No protection provided;
Susceptible soft targets,
Down-right dangerous.

“See something, say something”
Citizens are told.
In this “PC” world?
Contradictory counsel.

Why is the citizenry
Restless, recalcitrant?
The protected politicians are
Playing with the lives of the unprotected.










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4 Responses to Alliterative Thoughts

  1. gepawh says:

    you’ve got my vote for president! If only the well protected elite could read yours and many million more minds, perhaps………


  2. normestrin says:

    People kill people
    Guns kill people
    Since we are people who don’t want to kill people, lets kill guns that kill people!

    Nicely presented!


  3. santeach says:

    I am conflicted on the gun issue. I do not have one, nor do I want one. Friends have them and expect their rights to own them be protected. Washington elites are constantly debating the issue while their personal guards hover near by. The White House fence is being built higher. Government seeks to protect itself. Somewhere in all of this discussion must be a compromise that affords the populace similar protection and is consistent with our nation’s laws. Stepping down from my soap box now and hoping I did not offend anyone by offering my personal thoughts in the aftermath of such a tragedy.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Really good reflection of what so many of us are thinking, and beautifully written. Kudos!


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