
The naked oak tree
Stood proudly
Along the driveway –
A sentinel on duty.

Sensing a change
In the air
She grew ready –

Warm breezes and
Mild temperatures
Prompted her to
Don a new spring wardrobe.

Tender green leaves
Burst forth
Along her limbs
While she basked in the sun.

As her foliage thickened
She beckoned to birds
Seeking safe havens
To raise their young.

The proud oak waited
And watched patiently
As a young boy chose
A sturdy bough for his swing.

She offered a shady retreat
To those suffering from
The heat and humidity
Of the summer doldrums.

With pride the oak
Celebrated the joy
In giving pleasure
To so many creatures.

As the hot season waned
The tree felt a chill
In the night air
And lapsed into depression.

Even the company of squirrels
Collecting her acorns
For winter storage
Did not bring her joy.

She shivered as
Her leafy garment
Changed color and
Slowly disappeared.

Wintry winds shook her
Deep to the core
As her branches
Creaked and groaned.

Soon she stood naked again
Expecting a new wardrobe
Of snow and ice
Delivered by winter storms.

A tree for all seasons
Valued by many
Abused by some
And loved by me.




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5 Responses to Personification

  1. leeroc2 says:

    I want to run outside and have a chat with my oak. Do you do interpretive services in case my oak doesn’t understand me … he’s not too smart and he makes a mess every fall which he doesn’t bother to clean up. But I still love him/her. Lee


  2. gepawh says:

    excellent! great imagery….


  3. Beautiful, Sandy, and so well thought-out. Love it.


  4. barbbachhuber says:

    Loved it Sandy. You are such a great writer.


  5. jrowe2328 says:

    This is Very Good! Well written, thanks!


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