I Know that you are not Perfect, Master Joe

I Know that you are not Perfect, Master Joe

Fear not my human benefactor and friend, I know that

You are not perfect by any means, but you are all I got!

Remember that we set up this arrangement by fooling with my DNA, not yours


Perfect? You screamed at me messing up the toilet paper role!

I was bored and you did not pay enough attention to me.

Who’s fault is that, big guy?


You speak in your language and ignore the difference in frequencies.

I do all the work trying to understand what you are saying

Why don’t you try speaking in my language for a change?


Why do I have to grovel and beg forgiveness from you?

Why do you think that you are never wrong?

It makes me feel insecure and gives me nightmares.


Look, I have my own problems!

And while we are on the subject of insecurity, what happened to my balls?

Isn’t there a dog camp around, where I can talk to the other guys about this?


I have to scratch at the door to go out and take a leak

When you are on the telephone, my bladder is busting! Gimme a break!

I have to resort to sign language to get your attention!


Let’s be honest! You adopted me and are not my parent.

We have a satisfactory living arrangement although you always get the big bed.

But, I never get to see my friends and have some fun!


And the food! Honestly, I can smell the fresh meat that you are eating.

Why do I get pre-digested pellets in a cardboard box and get fed on the floor?

Haven’t you ever heard of Filet Mignon, or even a Big-Mac?


What about entertainment? Our house is boring, I want to get out more.

It seems like you have to play, “get the ball” whenever I see you

Can’t you get movies or videos about dog adventures?


I like to go out on car rides with open windows more often

I enjoy splashing in the lake with other dogs.

I even enjoy barking at anything, even though you can’t stand the sound!


So, please don’t get over self-reflective about your failings

I know your weaknesses and try my best to make up for them. I’m your dog!

I am willing to keep the relationship as it is because I really love you.


© Norman F. Estrin, Ph.D., May 30, 2016, I Know that you are not Perfect, Master Joe

About normestrin

I enjoy creating sculptures, drawings, paintings, poetry, prose, and new ideas. I also enjoy playing tennis, ping pong, and using my sense of humor. My career was in the trade association field, creating new programs, books, and conferences to meet the needs of certain industries.
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4 Responses to I Know that you are not Perfect, Master Joe

  1. gepawh says:

    the real question is, would you have opted for the “plastic” ones that were offered my guy when he was made a eunuch! Nice story Norm

    Liked by 1 person

  2. jrowe2328 says:

    Norm, that is PERFECT! Bear got even, he sat on my lap and peed on me once. I really brewed over taking his balls, but the vet assured me it was best in the long run, I still wonder if it would not be the best for many of us, as much trouble as we get in because of them. Thanks for the story! Bear would have agreed.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. jrowe2328 says:

    Bear, my dog, I’ll have you know Norm, ate bacon every morning and lived to be 19, he was a pomeranian of extraordinary intellect and was my best friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. leeroc2 says:

    Great story. I love taking a very different perspective. Studies suggest we way under estimate what is in the mind of our so called stupid animals….we haven’t exactly handled ourselves or our world really well. Oh well, what do you think we should do, Spot?…oh oh….there goes my human centric-canine bigotry. Sorry….your owner didn’t even value you with a name, so don’t blame me! I will greet your brothers with new respect given your eloquent plea for respect. Lee

    Liked by 1 person

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