The Last Speech

Tomorrow is decision time. What kind of America do you envision?

The last few decades we have witnessed the transformation of the social, financial, military, environmental, religious and governmental segments of our society. The long arm of the federal government has encroached on states’ rights and individual rights. As many have attained more freedom and rights, others have lost theirs.

Many leaders have lied to the American people; candidates have made promises not kept; and, law enforcement has become the enemy. At present our nation is difficult to imagine in a Norman Rockwell painting.

Our country is divided and the political scene has widened and deepened that divide. Anger is evident this election cycle. Voters are clamoring for a new and different approach. They are begging for a leader who will put their needs first, to create an environment with opportunities for all to achieve economic security, societal harmony and affordable services. To address those needs the government must function. Compromises must be made. All ideas must be considered and evaluated on merit, not the affiliation of the presenter.

What can I offer to you that is new and different; that puts your needs first and sets the stage for a more productive government that can address those needs? Yesterday I stunned many when I announced my vice presidential pick. I chose a brilliant problem-solver from the opposition party. This candidate has ideas of merit. In addition I have also identified individuals to fill cabinet positions. Both parties plus an independent are represented based on their past performance in working with others to achieve worthy goals. We need an inclusive government, not exclusive. How can our nation’s leaders continue to make laws, rules and policies promoting integration when they do not promote such practice among themselves.

You, the American people, deserve better from those who claim to represent you. A new approach is needed. As you carefully examine the names I have put forth as a governing team, consider the contributions they have already made to the greatness of this nation. We need the best minds to deal with the most troubling issues of our times. We need reasoned discourse to find new solutions for solving problems. We need your voices to keep our government on track.

Now is the time to make a move along a different path. I would be honored and humbled by your vote and forever mindful of the trust you place in my hands. The choice is yours.

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4 Responses to The Last Speech

  1. I loved your comment about the Norman Rockwell painting. Such a clear image. Then I absolutely adored your response to divisiveness by appointing the best people from both parties, including independents. If only …


  2. leeroc2 says:

    Yes! You have my vote! There is great pressure to work with your party. I experienced that 20 years ago. I was part of a democratic sweep of city council seats. Our first job was to fire the republican city attorney and bring on a democratic attorney. I refused to do the traditional and backed the old attorney citing the need for continuity in a time of managing several major federal grants and massive rezoning and highway construction. No time to train a new man, even a democrat. The mayor was furious but I convinced several to keep the republican…what a shock! It can happen…Lee

    Liked by 1 person

  3. gepawh says:

    excellent and accurate, we have six great candidates right here for a third party run!

    Liked by 1 person

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