My Fellow Americans

The people who founded this great country of ours created a Constitution that enables you to choose your President every four years.  Tomorrow is that time again.  Your decision will affect the course of your life and importantly the lives of your children.  Don’t go into the voting booth without first considering the following:

Firstly our economy and the prospect for more and better jobs lies within the private sector.  You should know which one of the candidates has the better plan for that.  It takes the Congress and your President to team up to pass programs that have a history of creating jobs for you.

Secondly the security of this nation is under attack by Muslim terrorists.  One hundred percent of the savage killings by Muslim terrorists here and throughout western civilization have been perpetrated by invoking Allah, the Muslim God, as the motivation for indiscriminate killing.  The killings are not only directed at Christians or Jews but Muslims themselves who do not believe as the terrorists do.   You can be assured that I, as your President, will do the utmost to rid the earth of such ideology.

Thirdly, out national debt of over 18 trillion dollars must be arrested and brought back to manageable numbers.  Most of the money has been borrowed from China.  Just the interest on that money owed to China pays for all of their defense spending.  So, in fact, we are paying for the build up of the military strength of the largest communist country in the world.  This absurdity must stop and it will be under my Presidency.

Lastly the immigration policy of America for over 40 years has led to results that are causing disasters to many state governments.  Safe havens for illegal immigrants is a violation of what a country of laws is all about.  It creates a situation where the law is disregarded by local governments and encourages everyone to disobey the law.  Under my administration those local governments will be denied any federal assistance they now receive if such illegal safe havens are created.

Keeping these thoughts in mind when you enter the voting booth will compel you to vote for me, Joe Geshel as the next President of your United States of America.

About calumetkid

Born in 1943, Calumet, Michigan. Love baseball, trains, chess, Lake Superior, the Law. State Trooper, Lawyer, Retired.
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1 Response to My Fellow Americans

  1. What’s the address for campaign contributions?!? You should run. Especially this year a third party candidate has a good chance. Not good enough I’m afraid, but better than previous years.


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