Poem Interupted

I was beginning to write a poem

About the sunshine and the rain

When I was cruelly interrupted

by another heart felt pain.


The terrorists in Brussels

Yes, the cowards have struck again

They killed some innocent loved ones

at the airport and on a train.


They did it just to harm us

and the way of life we live

They did it just because they could

A reason they cannot give.

The politicians now come forth

with excuses and proclaim;

what they would do to prevent it

all the carnage and the maim.

I no longer want to hear the talk

it has long been wearing thin

Its action that I want to see

Eliminating tactics must immediately begin.

Do it to them before they do it to us

is the answer to their crime

Don’t wait another minute

we are running out of time.

The sun will rise for most of us

and the gentile rain will fall

But not for any terrorists

if we answer to this call.

So when all of this is finished

I can settle down once again

and finish writing a poem

about the sunshine and the rain.




About calumetkid

Born in 1943, Calumet, Michigan. Love baseball, trains, chess, Lake Superior, the Law. State Trooper, Lawyer, Retired.
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3 Responses to Poem Interupted

  1. I love it that you took the poem full circle with “the sunshine and the rain.”


  2. santeach says:

    Sharing your anger and frustration.


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