It was 4 AM.  Up like a shot and ready to go.  Car is full, gassed up.  Is it worth th 3 hour drive?  Yes!  The hours fly by as I imagine what’s to come. The mile markers continue their methodical countdown.  I will munch on a banana and a bagel.  That will be enough.  Coffee too of course.  Two cups in the rest, nestled next to one another.

Here we go…I see the sign ahead, just as my map promised.  It will be a quick change then we will be off.  IIt’s strange to see everyone in black.  You would think it’s a funeral.  In moments we are flying along over the water at 30 mph watching the sun rise slowly to our right.  The land seems to be going to sleep as it shrinks behind us, oblivious to what is to come.

Are we going to see some big ones? Oh yes, answered our fearless guide.  Chatting with my 15 partners on this journey I realized that these people were from all over the world.  They had seen it all in their vast experience, but still they were thrilled to be here.  So were the dolphins racing by our side leaping now and then to probably inspect these strange creatures in black.

Here I go, trust in your training.  The giant leap.  Plunging into the water with a crash and a blinding spray of bubbles everywhere.  Then I gradually ascend to the surface.  Everything works as it should.  After the ok sign I start the decent with my partner, staring down at a swarm of sharks feeding eagerly at the box 50 feet below with our guide providing the equivalent of happy meals for all.  I was transfixed as I slipped slowly down getting closer to the feast directly below.  Wisely  we kicked a bit and settled at the bottom to watch the sharks as they pushed each other aside in a hungry fury.  Our guide pushed and threw them around ocassionally hugging some.  Then he motioned…come over if you like.  My partner shook his head, no, while I quickly signed on.

Kneeling down as ordered our captain grabbed one of the 8 foot boys and placed him in my hands.  He sat there for what seemed like minutes but more likely seconds.  He was muscular and heavy to the touch, even in water.  A few of his friends were then handed off.  This was the price of the free lunch…a photo op.  A giant grouper, aptly named, easily 200 pounds swam over near the end of the feast.  Staring at my face a few feet away, he decided I had nothing to offer so he swam gently away watching this drama.

I had slight guilt feelings as I recalled the criticism of our good captain.  After all we did intrude on mother nature.  I’ll live with the guilt.  Images of these beautiful creatures filled by head as I pulled out of the lot for the return journey, a huge smile on my face, resembling that of my aquatic friends.


Lee 5/2/16


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3 Responses to COMFORT ZONE

  1. cocowriter says:

    You captured the heart-stopping moments with perfect timing! Well done.


  2. calumetkid says:

    It was well written so as to keep my interest right to the end.


  3. santeach says:

    Thanks for taking me along on the journey. I enjoyed the experience.


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