Happy Face

(Remember, I like to write children’s stories)


Punkin Pumpersnickles’s Big Red Monster

 By Linda Puffenberger

 “We’re going to the car wash,” Mrs. Pumpersnickle announced one sunny day to her daughter, Punkin.

“I don’t want to. The big red monster lives there!” Punkin Pumpersnickled shouted, slipping on her pouty face.

“Oh, such a pouty face! There is no red monster there, silly. Hurry, we’ll be late,” Mrs. Pumpersnickle said putting on Punkin’s pretty pink coat.

In the car, Punkin lost her pouty face and found her scared face.

Oh, no we are almost there! What will I do? I’ll hide under my pretty, pink coat. That’s what I’ll do.

Punkin Pumpersnicle hid under her pretty pink coat in the back seat of the car.

The red monster won’t see me!

It was dark and warm there. She almost fell asleep. Until, Mrs. Pumpersnicle pumped her gas and peeked.

“Punkin, why are you hiding? Why you are out of your seat!”

Punkin Pumpersnickle put on her mad face and climbed back into her seat.

Then Mrs. Pumpersnickle drove her car around back to the car wash.

Punkin closed her eyes tight. But the big red monster did not go away. It was moving closer and closer. Punkin Pumpernickle screamed. Then it rained soapy, sudsy stuff. Suddenly, the big red monster pounced and prowled all over the front window. Growling.

“OWL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” It howled as it pranced and danced all over the car.

“Silly it’s just a machine. Not a monster, Mrs. Pumpersnicle said looking at Punkin’s frightened face.

“It is?”

“Yes, dear, just a big, red machine,” Mrs. Pumpersnickle said driving through a big, blowing machine.

“Just a big, red machine,” Pumpkin Pumpersnickel sighed, putting on her happy face.



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2 Responses to Happy Face

  1. gepawh says:

    a story for “children” of all ages…….it made me smile


  2. Oh, if we could all get over our fears that easily! Sweet story, well expressed, and I love the names!


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