A happy time.

The walk was slower than usual.  But that was very well as it was a most beautiful autumn day.  Golden leaves all around so, ” lets keep on walking”, she said.  And walk we did.  Suddenly she said, ” I need a rest.”  So we sat and had a little debate as to just how tired  she was.  Very tired for sure.  We agreed she would stay put while I ran to get the car.  While running along I thought, “did she say labor pains?”  Instantly I’m running like a dragster near the checkered flag.

I’m back in a flash.  She is still sitting down nothing new to report.  With my help she moved slowly into the passengers seat and ever so slowly we drive home.  No more pains but anxiety, anticipation, and alarm keep running through our  minds.  Is this the day?  Will this be the night?  Should we go now just to be sure?  But the night passes on into the early dawn.  “Let’s go Joe”, she said..  God, I love that phrase.  So off we go to the E. R.

The staff is waiting at the door.  No “real” emergency but a very real day for us.  It took hours and the delivery was not easy.  I’m alone in the waiting room.  Once, twice, thrice, I’m told “not yet”.  Then finally, I’m ushered in with gown, booties, mask, and haste.

Sue all exposed, exhausted, excited and being encouraged to push, c’mon you can do it.

And then, It’s a boy.  I remember a surge of physical emotion, eyes welling up, a burst of joy different from all the other joys I had had.  A new life in her arms.  A life never seen nor heard from before.  But there he was moving and making little noises.  We looked at each other and looked at him.  It was glee, serenity, a new purpose for us.  Now we are not just two but three.  Happiness is more than just about me or thee but now all three.


About calumetkid

Born in 1943, Calumet, Michigan. Love baseball, trains, chess, Lake Superior, the Law. State Trooper, Lawyer, Retired.
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5 Responses to A happy time.

  1. calumetkid says:

    Thanks. Those moments still resonate within my mind.


  2. You shared a very precious time through this story, and I could feel every emotion. Good job!


  3. gepawh says:

    door to door happiness, even still……….. I love it!


  4. santeach says:

    So easy to relate to the joy found in the birth of a child. Well done.


  5. cocowriter says:

    I enjoyed the male perspective of child birth. Beautiful story!


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