My Sister

Dear Joan,

I miss you terribly since you passed away last November. We shared so much as sisters. So many fond memories, it’s hard to pick. But I’ll limit myself to three.

Five years ago you invited my husband and I to spend a week with you and Earl at your time share in Williamsburg. It was a wonderful week filled with lots of “sister bonding” opportunities like shopping together and eating lunch out while the guys did their thing. Then as couples we had plenty of awesome times touring Williamsburg by day and enjoying fine dining every evening. At breakfast we usually took turns cooking and lingering over coffee, chatting, and plotting out our day. But I do recall one breakfast eaten out with enormous-sized pancakes that we laughed about. All in all, I am very grateful for the invitation and the time spent together in Williamsburg.

A special Christmas memory was when Earl called us up and asked us if we’d like to ride with you to Cambridge to check out the Dickens Christmas mannequins. I couldn’t fathom the scene. But he was all excited, and it sounded like fun, so off we went. Sure enough, it was a great idea. We strolled the Holiday decorated streets of downtown Cambridge (which brought back tons of childhood memories) and viewed the life-like Dickens’s characters. It felt like Scrooge himself might pop out any second! I still can picture you all bundled up with a wool scarf, gloves, and a heavy coat, shivering that frigid December day as we dodged in and out of ornament-filled stores. Your icicle-cold eyes dancing for joy. One delightful stop was the Kennedy Bakery, which warmed our bodies and spirits with the sweet aroma of the wonderful baked goods. Earl introduced us to their famous “coffee cake” (which was a mistake, because every time we came near Cambridge on our way out east, we’d have to stop and get a coffee cake).  However, the best part of the trip was watching you, who ate so little, indulge in Theo’s Restaurant’s famous pie. Earl promised us the best pie we’d ever eaten and it certainly didn’t disappoint. The evening concluded with Christmas carols and the lighting up of the courthouse holiday lights. A Christmas I’ll never forget!

Last, but not least, was a trip to Seneca Lake to visit your “summer” home. Earl proudly gave us spin around the Lake in his boat while you prepared a wonderful dinner for us. (Little did I realized that it would be your last dinner cooked for us. That Alzheimer’s would rob you of that skill). After dinner, we played Dominoes well into the wee hours arguing about who was “winning” and who was “cheating” — of course, all in good fun.

I’m glad that I have these memories now that you are gone. Even though we were thirteen years apart, we grew closer as we grew older.

Love you forever,

Your little sister, Linda


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1 Response to My Sister

  1. santeach says:

    Thank you for sharing those special moments spent with your sister.


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