Accidental Understanding


Harvey tottered across the asphalt, changing directions repeatedly. Drunk before 9:00 am? No, the cause of his weaving – a gorgeous Sheltie pulling him in an erratic path down the street. The man exercised no control over the animal as it yapped at passing cars and lunged at dogs out walking their masters.

Harvey’s head was “in the clouds” again. A right-brained thinker, he was always creating new visions in his head and was often totally oblivious to his surroundings. His habit created tension at home. Marriage to Gladys re-enforced the adage that “opposites attract”; however, such attraction did not guarantee harmony. He considered his home life barely tolerable and was sure the dog was suffering too. The early morning romps provided twenty minutes of freedom from rules, nagging and structure. Both Harvey and Rix celebrated the absence of Gladys. Rix reveled in the activity around him; Henry savored the activity within.

One morning in late March while Harvey and Rix were on their morning escapade a commercial van zigzagged down the roadway out of control behind them. The driver was trying to swat an angry wasp circling his face. Before he could set things right he heard a thud and caught a glimpse of someone bouncing off his front right bumper. The horrified man slammed on his brakes, jumped out onto the asphalt and rushed over to help the injured party.

A yappy dog growled as he approached an older man lying unconscious on the shoulder of the road. Keeping a safe distance from the tethered animal the driver dialed 911 on his cell as a small crowd started to gather at the accident scene.

One man joining the onlookers gasped when he saw his neighbor Harvey sprawled on the edge of the asphalt, breathing but not moving. He cautiously moved forward coaxing Rix to him as the dog’s loud growls turned to soft whines. The neighbor gently disentangled the dog’s leash from Harvey’s hand and quickly headed off to find Gladys while others awaited medical help.

Minutes later an ambulance arrived. The EMTs assessed Harvey’s injuries, placed him on a gurney and rolled him into their vehicle. With lights flashing and siren blaring they sped off to the local hospital. Gladys was in close pursuit, chauffeured by the concerned neighbor who rescued Rix.

Harvey regained consciousness in the ER as the medical team further assessed his injuries and made arrangements to x-ray his arm and do a CAT scan of his head. While he watched the activity all around him, Gladys tiptoed into his cubicle and listened carefully to the personnel discussing Harvey’s case.

She no sooner settled into a chair off to the side when her husband was whisked away to radiology. No words were spoken between them.

An hour later Harvey was returned to his “cell”. The doctor on duty reported that Harvey had a broken ulna and a mild concussion. A temporary support and sling were fashioned to stabilize his arm until he could see an orthopedic specialist. Directions were given for limited activity in light of the head injury.

A nurse went over his discharge papers. She talked about the medications he would be taking at least till he had a follow-up visit with his family physician and the orthopedic doctor. Harvey’s brain could not focus on the details. Which pill? How many a day? When should each be taken? With food or without? He studied his wife’s face as she listened to the directions given by the discharge nurse. Gladys nodded her head in the affirmative each time a question was asked of her. Good old dependable Gladys thought Harvey. She would have everything down pat by the time they got home.

Faithful Gladys would set a schedule to meet all his needs for recovery. Organized Gladys would establish a timetable for taking his meds, make doctor appointments and take care of all the paperwork related to billing and insurance. Chef Gladys would cook his favorite meals and walk the dog till he was able. Generous Gladys would forego her meetings and hobbies to be his caretaker. Wonderful Gladys, a helpmate, life partner and supporter. How had he drifted so far from his wife?

He felt so ashamed. She deserved much better. Harvey resolved to become a worthy husband, to appreciate his aging wife and all she has done to keep them secure and comfortable. He would apologize for his neglect. He owed her much and had given so little. He needed this woman and would hold her close.

Gladys and their neighbor Ralph took Harvey home and got him settled on the living room recliner. Ralph visited with his injured friend while Gladys worked in the kitchen. Harvey heard her talking on the phone. Probably telling her sister about my latest misadventure he thought. Ralph asked if there was anything else he could do for Harvey.

“No, thanks for everything,” replied his friend.

“Well then, I’ll be on my way. I’ll bring Rix home after dinner. That will give you quiet time to relax.”

“Thanks, again,” whispered Harvey as he drifted off in a drug-induced sleep.

Much later the sound of the doorbell woke Harvey. Ah, Rix is here!! As he shook himself out of sleepiness Gladys approached. There was no Rix. His wife was accompanied by a tall, slender, middle-aged man.

“Harvey,” she said, “this is Damon. He is your male live-in nurse who will be taking care of you until you can function on your own.”

Then she turned into the hallway where she picked up a small suitcase, slung her purse strap over her right shoulder and walked out the door.


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4 Responses to Accidental Understanding

  1. Wow. I can relate to both Henry and Gladys.


  2. Teresa Kaye says:

    You have given us a great example of how life has some unexpected consequences! I want to know more about these characters! Especially Gladys!


  3. normestrin says:

    Good descriptions and ending!


  4. barbbachhuber says:

    Love t his story ….. Surprise ending is great. Such an appropriate title.


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